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Re: Feeling a little down

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I have not been a big fan of any holiday--  mostly because for 47 years, I was married to a jerk who was not interested in helping with anything to do with special holidays, including birthdays and anniversaries--I ended up doing it all myself. and we have 2 kids that I  needed to make sure they felt special . then--I worked at a party store for 12 years  and that was the thing that made me a Scrooge, especially from Helloween on---it was not fun!! but----I  don't work there anymore and I am very happily divorced as of this year--so hoping my holiday mojo will return soon. However--this year---I broke my ankle in mid October so I haven't been able to walk until just recently so this Xmas has been very low key --thank heavens for online shopping!!!

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I think it's normal for people to feel a little depressed in the posts holiday period.  Its anti-climatic after the excitement of anticipating and preparing for the holiday.  I think everyone feels that way to some degree.


There is certainly nothing to keep you from enjoying lights, decorations and music well into January in your own home.  Plan something fun to look forward to doing while you're transitioning.  I think in general, January is nobody's favorite time of year but were all in this together so we'll get through it.

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It's a tad chilly here today to put us in the 🎅🏻🎄spirit! I actually have the windows open and that's the best feeling.  I don't mind my oven is on and cookies baking.


Wishing you a blessed and very Merry Christmas🎄



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call me crazy but I play Christmas music all year.  I think we need to make our "own" happiness and that makes me happy🙂

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@homedecor1 wrote:



call me crazy but I play Christmas music all year.  I think we need to make our "own" happiness and that makes me happy🙂





Agree completely. Learned decades ago that the only one, or thing, responsible for me being happy! That would be me.


hckynut 🇺🇸




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There are many others just like you around the world, for hundreds of differing reasons. Is there a way to avoid these times in people's lives?


hckynut 🇺🇸

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Re: Feeling a little down

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 @Luvsmyfam  I've always enjoyed the music and lights. Unfortunately my hearing isn't good enough to hear the music now. I really miss it. I watched several specials on T V with my hearing aide and closed captions, but they are out of sync. The new songs are impossible for me to hear now. But I remember the old songs I can hum them or hear myself sing them.    
   I wish I could hear music and carry on conversations, hear church services, talk on the phone, etc. I miss movies and the live theater, I can't hear it.  There are captioned devices but it isn't the same. So, be glad if you can hear music and protect your hearing! 

    I still love the Christmas season but after New Year's Eve I'm ready for the decorations to be stored and am thinking of warmer weather. 

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I'm sorry for how your feeling. Holidays are not easy. But your not alone and their are a great group of supportive people on this board that care and wish you well.
Be gentle on yourself and look at it this way, it's almost over!
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I will never forget when my son was a little guy, I had spent all morning packing up the Christmas decorations. My son was so upset as he stood by the steps to the attic. I was taking all the boxes of decorations back into the attic.


He didn't want to see them being packed away. He wanted me to keep them out.


When I was working, I liked driving through the neighborhood after work and seeing all the decorations on the house. I must say, it seems like everyone does such a nice job making their house so nicely decorated. 


Then came January and the drive seemed so dark.

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

well christmas is almost here,and the thought of not listening to holiday tunes,or looking at the beautiful lights,makes me sad.i get this way every year.i love thanksgiving also because of leading into would think I am a child,instead of a 66 yr old.

Me too....I love the Christmas lights so much. I usually wait until the middle of January to put everything away....and I'm almost I guess it's the little girls in us.😊