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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Feeling a bit scammed by new dentist

I'm not sure if I am being scammed or what, but it seems every time I go to the dentist for a general cleaning, my dentist/hygienist always seems to find something wrong with my teeth!  Just this past week, I went for my qtrly cleaning ( I do this for the very reason to prevent periodontal disease, which I previously had, and hope I never have to go through that again).  After cleaning my teeth (a new hygienist) kept picking around at a certain area in my mouth, I asked her what was going on and she told me it seemed that my gum was irritated around my crown, which is only about a yr old!  I was very surprised to hear this, because I go every 3 months and they are suppose to keep a check on this!  I went home with an anti-biotic prescription and also one for an awful tasting mouthwash for my gums!  I had never noticed any problems with this crown!  I don't know if they see $ signs when I open my mouth or not!

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Registered: ‎12-12-2010

Re: Feeling a bit scammed by new dentist



Two words...SECOND OPINION! I think dentists these days are more salesman than health care providers, especially in the "Hollywood smile" day in which we live.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Feeling a bit scammed by new dentist

Yes I too have had run in with a BAD dentist!  All I can say is when your BS detector starts going off....LISTEN TO IT!!!  Make no on the spot decisions....leave that place and go to several other dentists for evaluation of the situation.  I suffered with to much work done on cavities which I didn't have with this lady dentist...if I had only known what I do now!  Run far away from this new dentist.


On another note: this is happening with other professions my ENT's office about 1yr ago I had this experience.  The doctor doing the evaluation kept insisting I have a SEVERE deviated septum....I said REALLY? SEVERE you say? Oh yes he declares...95% blocked!  I said that's so odd cause I have seen you in the past yrs and also Dr. B for my vertigo and have been examined every which way under the sun and never ONCE was I told I have a severely deviated did I just wake up one day with this or what?  


Both of my other doctors looked up my nose....and both confirmed I have a slight deviation to the RIGHT...this ENT kept telling me having the procedure would help with my LEFT side which is the side where I have all the inner ear damage/balance function loss on tests.  WTHeck!  


Quota's need to be met in the tell all patients they need this surgery to make fast CASH!


Sorry about the rant but at this point I don't trust doctors easily....I check and double triple check now.

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Posts: 13,510
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Feeling a bit scammed by new dentist

OP, switch dentists. There are many scamming dental practices around these days.