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Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

hello all

not much today

had heavy fog last night, rain came in overnight,it is cool and damp


did my normal chores,did morn walk not much else.later guys

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

May be an image of flower and text

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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

May be an image of bird and nature

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

We're getting wispy snow and I'd swear it was blowing off of the roofs, but they say it's falling down out of the sky.  Because the wind picked up and we're having some gusts, I propped open the garage addition door off of the patio, you know, in case a bird wants a break from the wind.  So far, I have 4 juncos that are running in and out of the garage addition - I can see the action from my kitchen window.  Woman Very Happy

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

@Bird mama 

Hey You, you are a go getter like none other that I know. Yes, I am familiar with the Ariens brand. Being Mr.L use to have a small engine shop out of our garage when we lived in our house. He did that as a side line,plus work at the college. When he was younger, guys would be stopping over in the dead of night wanting their snow blowers repaired. I would get so upset with them as I'd ask my hubby why do they wait until the last dog is hung, that's an old saying around this neck of the woods??? They usually would leave old gas in the tank over summer.duhhh. Then in the spring/summer the same thing went on with their lawn mowers. To be honest I was glad when he had to give it up. I remember a lot of holidays he would be in the garage doing repairs, deliveries and it drove me bonkers. 

This is why I say to you, you are very organized and I can't wait to tell Mr.L. I think he will get a good chuckle on that.


I have to make a little addition regarding the church lady. She told me I was watching and listening to the wrong programs and people on TV.. I think that was the other way around as I don't watch those so called propaganda channels. lol.


I am almost 10 years older than you Birdie and I've given up on what people do or say on many things. I just have given it up as I don't have the energy to get my self all worked up over it. I do what is best for me and that's all I can do. 


I am cooking barbecue ribs for dinner and I do believe they are almost done.


We didn't get any snow or rain, just very cold temps.. High today 9 degrees, which means it will be below zero tonight. I've got to be at the clinic tomorrow for labs I wish I could skip it, but it's for my physical that I will hopefully get into in March.  

I told Mr.L I wish we could do something fun or spontaneous, I think he thought I was

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Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest



One thing I can say about my husband, he was a news junkie and was equal opportunity.  He would check out CNN, Fox and MSNBC.  Of course it used to be actual news back then versus 'opinion' or entertainment or whatever it is they call it now.  I got rid of cable must be 7 or 8 years ago.  The industry in general is less about news and more about reaction and ratings.  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 4,909
Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

@Bird mama 

I have to say my husband is a news junkie as you call it too. Mr.L watches PBS News mostly along with World News channels. No Fox or CNN. like you said, that's not real news anymore. 

We have basic cable due to that is the only way we can get our local channels sadly. We've had more problems with our cable this year than all the years we've had it. Mr.L thinks it is the weather.. lol;. whatever. lol.


I told him about the snow blower and he got a kick out of that. 

I do need to ask you. did you see or hear about the story of the eagle who got stuck on the grill of the train? He rode it out for about 80 miles. when they stopped to get him off, he wasn't injured, which is unbelievable. I hope the train got him in the direction he needed to go. Woman Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

May be an image of bird and snow

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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

May be an image of bird and nature

Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: February 2022 Bird's Nest

May be an image of text that says 'T'ms f the day ess that ne my way. an you! ibbons of Pea~'