Posts: 29
Registered: ‎04-20-2010

You should delete your FB account immediately.  If social media is causing you this much angst, you are not the type of person who should be using it.  Get a life outside your computer and calm yourself.

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Just unfriend them. If they ask you why, you can tell them then. 



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@majaca wrote:

I think my main fear is that (since they are gossipers) they will spread it around my street..."oh, 'SHE' unfriended me..." Or, that somehow my kids would suffer in the 'street' dynamics. Maybe I am worrying too much. But, these are NEIGHBORS, not ppl I'd be real friends with! 




No, I don't know what you mean. This seems like you're giving Facebook friendships a lot more weight than they really have. Just unfriend them and be done with it. Odds are, some of them won't even notice you did it and you're worrying for no reason.



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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Have a similar situiation in the nieghborhood where i  live, and i think we may have the same neighbors! LOL Anyway, i would unfriend them, no sense in making yourself crazy over something that may not be a big deal to them. Most people don't even know when you unfriend them if they are not a "real life " friend. Perhaps with you unfriending them, they may get the hint to stop "snooping". Hope this help.


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I can't stand the Facebook concept.... sorry, but that's me.  The people I want to keep in contact with, I do, with messages, pictures, snail mail.... but not Facebook.  I DO have a facebook account thought but only because the neighborhood we moved into five years ago has all the HOA information through the neighborhood facebook account.  We are spread out (5 acres or more) and getting around can be difficult, especially during winter.....


But I don't have anything on it except my name (common name) and a picture of our little baby dog.... Woman LOL


Regarding your problem.... don't give it another thought.  Unfriend them and let it go.  If you're asked about it tell them that you were cleaning up your site of friends that no longer communicated with you on your page (true) .... chances are they haven't contributed anything and as you said, are just lurkers...  they'll get over it.   Woman Wink

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Just unfriend. Sometimes no explanation is needed, as 'explaining' may create more angst for you. 

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@Patti143 wrote:

You should delete your FB account immediately.  If social media is causing you this much angst, you are not the type of person who should be using it.  Get a life outside your computer and calm yourself.


I agree ..... if it's actually causing the OP this much stress, this is not a positive thing in her life and it should be deleted asap!

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@RetRN wrote:

I don't think Facebook is for private or humble people. It seems like one big brag fest from what I hear from people who have been on it. Greatest kids, grandkids, spouse, family, upgrading home, buying new vehicle, trips to the best places, smartest and most successful kids, and on and on. I think real friends share and stay in touch without Facebook.


"Real" friends can also share and have fun together on Facebook, too.  

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@Patti143 wrote:

You should delete your FB account immediately.  If social media is causing you this much angst, you are not the type of person who should be using it.  Get a life outside your computer and calm yourself.


I really disagree with this.  Why should she give up Facebook entirely just for the sake of a few people?


She's already started deleting friends.  That's all it takes.


And I didn't see anything to indicate that she needs to "get a life".  She's simply asking a question.



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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

@NYC Susan wrote:

@Patti143 wrote:

You should delete your FB account immediately.  If social media is causing you this much angst, you are not the type of person who should be using it.  Get a life outside your computer and calm yourself.


I really disagree with this.  Why should she give up Facebook entirely just for the sake of a few people?


She's already started deleting friends.  That's all it takes.


And I didn't see anything to indicate that she needs to "get a life".  She's simply asking a question.




I agree.  Facebook is what we make it.  If we take the time to keep up with all the settings and be careful what we share and who our "friends" are, it's a positive experience.Smiley



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova