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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

May be an image of text that says 'geeremony Eweet stylist Oh us Monday May everything ariad go just right � Beebe Cloud'

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Re: Every Summer Has a Story

@Sassy7356 wrote:

May be an illustration of 1 person and text that says 'SCHOOL HOUSE 4 1850'


Reminds me of the mart I just stopped at on the way home from visiting sis. Just put a big batch of fresh green beans, sauté onions, butter and bacon on the stove .......... The cantaloupes and sweet corn were delicious too. I hope your back spasms subside soon. I get them if I'm not careful, original incident when I was opening up Maurice's clothing stores I tore up something from heavy lifting . Prayers for your mom, I am sure it is difficult dealing with the situation. 💜IMG_0511.jpeg

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Re: Every Summer Has a Story

@Sassy7356 , I sure hope your back will be feeling better very soon. Bless you, my friend. 


We had a quiet weekend, and cooked burgers on the grill late yesterday, after the weather cooled a bit. Triple digits all this week, with 110 tomorrow. 


I am doing laundry today, and cleaning the kitchen. I haven't decided on dinner for tonight. 


I am sending you a feel good day. Smiley Happy







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Posts: 20,405
Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

@hullie , those green beans look so delicious.  I love fresh green beans. Cantaloupe and sweet corn too. Add sliced tomatoes for me. 


The summer is going by fast. I can't believe it is the middle of July already.  Hopefully, August won't be as hot. So much flooding going on too, and that is horrible for sure. 


Continuing praying for your Sarah. I hope she is feeling better. 


Enjoy your fresh vegetables.  







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Posts: 52,636
Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

Green Beans Nutrition: Health Information


@hullie The fresh green beans here have been excellent.  We had some last week with some cucumbers and got more yesterday along with some white sweet corn.  The cantaloupes and watermelons aren't at the farm stands here...yet.  I look forward to having them, too.  I love summer produce.


My back will be like this forever as I have lots of arthritis in my lower back.  But this time I must have turned or bent funny.  Guess what set it off?  Making the bed - something I do every day.


How is Sarah doing?

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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

@Tissyanne wrote:

@Sassy7356 , I sure hope your back will be feeling better very soon. Bless you, my friend. 


We had a quiet weekend, and cooked burgers on the grill late yesterday, after the weather cooled a bit. Triple digits all this week, with 110 tomorrow. 


I am doing laundry today, and cleaning the kitchen. I haven't decided on dinner for tonight. 


I am sending you a feel good day. Smiley Happy







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Thank you, TissyAnne.  I have INR this afternoon and it will be interesting walking in the building to it.  Thank heavens for my rollator.


I can't imagine living in the heat that you do.  And I sure wouldn't want to do anything.  What do you keep your CA at?  


Have a good rest of your Monday and week.

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Posts: 52,636
Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

May be an image of hotdog and text that says 'YOU CAN ADD 3 TOPPINGS TO THIS HOTDOG WHAT ARE YOU ADDING?'


I would add mustard, raw onions and dill relish.  You?

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Posts: 38,748
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

@Sassy7356 wrote:

May be an image of hotdog and text that says 'YOU CAN ADD 3 TOPPINGS TO THIS HOTDOG WHAT ARE YOU ADDING?'


I would add mustard, raw onions and dill relish.  You?


@Sassy7356   Dijon mustard and Heinz sweet pickle relish.  Usually, I eat them plain, but may have a small dish of the two mixed to plop on a bite here and there.

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Posts: 38,748
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

@Sassy7356  I hope your back behaves soon.  You certainly have a very full plate of issues to deal with, very strong woman you are.


I can relate, and so can DD, who though young, has had this issue for years, off and on, I think it is related to her jumping days so now when she lifts something, out it goes.

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Registered: ‎03-19-2016

Re: Every Summer Has a Story

 @Sassy7356  With so much going on, a bad back makes things worse!  You've had so much to do with moving, packing, unpacking, (& these forums !) too long at a computer can hurt your back. Take care friend! 
   Everyone: This beautiful day has turned cloudy, but that will keep it a cooler 89.

  Monday errands today and I took my son the newspaper. 
He was funny, showing me a new app on his phone about how to get points and discounts, saying it's fun. I took advantage of the situation and texted him the prices for my ring doorbell subscription. (My DIL said for him to subscribe after the free trial was up) after Mother's Day. 
   He finally understood and I told him to call Amazon but not today since it's Prime day. They do Amazon  and I don't). The representative had told me without a subscription I'd get pictures, etc. Wrong. It's a minute notification the doorbell has rung. Anyhow with DIL coming sometime to wire the back door it needs to be on.

    He is like my father about doing what he wants, but let's other things slide. It was hard not to laugh. 
   My rabbit is still here, so far that fox didn't get it. I worry about the critters. 
 😬🧴💊 🗞️🚪🛎️📸 🐇