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Registered: ‎06-29-2015

Re: Ever Lost a Valuable Piece of Jewelry...

@Carmie wrote:

I had a pair of 18k earrings that were a series of circles molded together.  Each earring was about the size of a quarter.., quite large.


one night I removed them and place them on my dresser... and one fell off.  I backed up expecting to find it on the floor, but it was no where to be found.


the next day, my DH moved the dresser and I still no earring.  I never could find it.  We even had every thing removed from the bedroom when we cleaned the carpet and it was still lost.  


We replaced the master bedroom furniture and moved the older dresser, etc. to the guest BR.  About 7 years later, we decided to replace the carpet in guest BR and my DH moved the BR furniture out and into another room.


On the hall way floor, he found my lost earring. It was somewhere for about 10 years.  We think it might have gotten stuck under the dresser in a place where it was caught fast and when it was moved it might have dislodged itself. Who knows?

@Carmie, your post stood out to me, because something similar happened to me.

I'm a firm believer in the spirit world, and sometimes they pull pranks.


I used to live in a big, spooky old house where odd things happened all the time.

I used to wonder if people thought I was making things up, so it was a relief when my no-nonsense niece moved in w/ me & confirmed everything. LOL!


Anyway, I came home from work one day, removed my earrings and laid them on the coffee table.

Minutes later when I went to bring them upstairs, only 1 earring was there. We looked everywhere, but it was gone.


About a year later, I bought a Persian rug for the living room, and as my niece & I removed all the furniture as well as the old rug, she said "I'll bet we're gonna find that earring!"



About a year after that, she and I were cooking dinner, & I pulled out the crisper in the fridge - and sitting on top of a new head of lettuce was my earring.

That crisper had been filled and emptied umpteen times in the years since that earring had gone missing.


Yup,....spooks!  Smiley LOL

Muddling through...
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Posts: 18,871
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Ever Lost a Valuable Piece of Jewelry...

@sabatini wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

I had a pair of 18k earrings that were a series of circles molded together.  Each earring was about the size of a quarter.., quite large.


one night I removed them and place them on my dresser... and one fell off.  I backed up expecting to find it on the floor, but it was no where to be found.


the next day, my DH moved the dresser and I still no earring.  I never could find it.  We even had every thing removed from the bedroom when we cleaned the carpet and it was still lost.  


We replaced the master bedroom furniture and moved the older dresser, etc. to the guest BR.  About 7 years later, we decided to replace the carpet in guest BR and my DH moved the BR furniture out and into another room.


On the hall way floor, he found my lost earring. It was somewhere for about 10 years.  We think it might have gotten stuck under the dresser in a place where it was caught fast and when it was moved it might have dislodged itself. Who knows?

@Carmie, your post stood out to me, because something similar happened to me.

I'm a firm believer in the spirit world, and sometimes they pull pranks.


I used to live in a big, spooky old house where odd things happened all the time.

I used to wonder if people thought I was making things up, so it was a relief when my no-nonsense niece moved in w/ me & confirmed everything. LOL!


Anyway, I came home from work one day, removed my earrings and laid them on the coffee table.

Minutes later when I went to bring them upstairs, only 1 earring was there. We looked everywhere, but it was gone.


About a year later, I bought a Persian rug for the living room, and as my niece & I removed all the furniture as well as the old rug, she said "I'll bet we're gonna find that earring!"



About a year after that, she and I were cooking dinner, & I pulled out the crisper in the fridge - and sitting on top of a new head of lettuce was my earring.

That crisper had been filled and emptied umpteen times in the years since that earring had gone missing.


Yup,....spooks!  Smiley LOL

LOL too funny,  I too, believe in spirits.  I lived in an older house that had a resident who had long sense passed.  He wasn"t scary, but was helpful to me a few times.


We built the house we live in now and I haven't noticed any spirits who live here with me.  


My youngest son purchased a house a few years ago has spirits who drop in for a visit from time to time,  they ( more than one) like to talk to each other in whispered tones.  


When they are there, they drain all of the power from his electronic devices,  it is not uncommon for him to have both his personal and work cell phones dead by morning even though he just charged them.


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Posts: 20,681
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Ever Lost a Valuable Piece of Jewelry...

I lost 1 earring. It was a sapphire post earring set my dh bought for me for an anniversary gift. I know I put the earrings in my ear one day. I only came home with one earring that night. 


I know it is a lost cause. I still have that 1 remaining earring. When I come across it while searching for my other earrings in my jewerly box I always wonder where I lost that earring.