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I don't regift.  I always figure it might insult the giver and the givee.   I don't know how tactfully you can say, "here I don't like these so you can have them"

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I don't re-gift.


If someone gives me something, I return or exchange it.  If it can't be returned or exchanged and I know someone likes them, I will give it to them.  I don't give it to them as a gift.  That implies that I bought it specifically for them.



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I never regift.  But after a period of time I may donate an item if I don't use it.

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I'm in the camp of if an item is unopened and unused and if I think someone else might like it, I re gift it. If someone has given me a gift that is blatantly not my taste then they clearly do not know me well to have put any thought into the gift. I at least give it to someone whose taste it is. Also, DH get countless bottles of alchohol and wine during the holidays. We regift some of those as well. Otherwise we could never go through everything we get.

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I usually ask one of my sisters or nieces if they want it.  I don't want to risk gifting something I don't want to another person who don't want it (lol).

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I'm not a regifter, but I believe it depends on a lot of factors.  I depends on the gift.  Is it something you like, but simply can't use?  Is there someone in your life that it would be "perfect" for?  Is the gift something that you would have actually considered buying for that person?  If so, I don't see a problem with it, although I would probably buy the recipient something else as well.  Certainly you could take it to a Christmas party where you are supposed to bring a gift without any specific recipient in mind (IF the original gifter is not going to be there, and IF the gift is suitable for the exchange.)  It doesn't seem any more impersonal than just grabbing something out of the proverbial "gift closet."

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If I do regift I tell the person receiving the "regift" that it is a "regift". No one seems to mind.

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I find absolutely nothing wrong with regifting. But the rules of gift giving still apply.


It has to suit the person you are giving it to. If it is something you truly believe is 'them' and they would like it, then it really doesn't matter where it came from. I would not feel obligated to tell them it was regifted (but you could if you wanted to) and I would not feel funny about giving it on an actual occasion, wrapped and all. As long as it is considered nice enough for a gift, then give it.


Now, to just regift to get rid of something, with no thought of the person to receive it, then, no, not so much.


And if I have given gifts that people really don't want/need, I'm fine with them passing them on to make someone else happy. I don't think we always hit the mark with a gift, and things cost too much money to just have them lay in a drawer, unwanted. I'm never one to return things gifted to me, and I'd never ask for a receipt or a location of purchase, as I find that to be tacky. 

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@Mominohio wrote:

I find absolutely nothing wrong with regifting. But the rules of gift giving still apply.


It has to suit the person you are giving it to. If it is something you truly believe is 'them' and they would like it, then it really doesn't matter where it came from. I would not feel obligated to tell them it was regifted (but you could if you wanted to) and I would not feel funny about giving it on an actual occasion, wrapped and all. As long as it is considered nice enough for a gift, then give it.


Now, to just regift to get rid of something, with no thought of the person to receive it, then, no, not so much.


And if I have given gifts that people really don't want/need, I'm fine with them passing them on to make someone else happy. I don't think we always hit the mark with a gift, and things cost too much money to just have them lay in a drawer, unwanted. I'm never one to return things gifted to me, and I'd never ask for a receipt or a location of purchase, as I find that to be tacky. 

You hit all the points, and nailed it! Bravo!

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I guess I find it tacky to give a gift to someone without a gift receipt or the ability to return or exchange something. 


Maybe that's just me...