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I was supposed to take my grandmother to a doctor's appointment.  She phoned and said that somebody blew up the Pentagon.  Beyond frightening.

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I was working in the OR, and because it was early no one was in the lounges where a tv was available. Soon parts of the story started to come through and when I got a chance I called my mom as I knew she would have the tv on. I just remember all of us being confused and frightened. When I heard the pentagon was hit I knew this was really bad. I'm old enough to remember when JFK was shot and that day and 911 I will never forget.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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I am very very sorry you experienced this.

Makes me hurt for you.💔

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@I am still oxox wrote:

I was on my way to work from Brooklyn to lower Manhattan. The first plane crashed while I was in the battery tunnel and the second when I was standing on the streets of Lower Manhattan, I thought I would never see any one I loved again. I covered my head and got to my office when I lived out the horrors of the buildings falling. Its funny other than the sound of the buildings falling I have no memories sounds of that day 

@I am still oxox @I can't imagine what it was like to be in NYC on that day.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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I live in north NJ and was getting ready for a doctor's appointment.  Didn't pay attention to the news as I was hurrying.  Got to doctor's office which had a TV in the lobby.  Horror and disbelief was felt by all.


Cell phone service was out.  Don't remember how long it lasted.  I worked in lower Manhattan in the 70's and 80's and knew the area intimately.  Even worked a short time in one of the towers.  



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I was walking on the treadmill when it all started.

Sharing this candle in remembrance of those lost during 9-11. Always in our  hearts and never forgotten
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I was at work.  I noticed my working friend was having trouble with her glasses.  A lens had popped out and she couldn't really focus on it to get it back together.  I went to help her and she had a radio on at her desk. 


I remember leaving work that day.  There was hardly any traffic.  It was eerily quiet outside.  I learned later in the day one of the planes was supposed to come into Cleveland Hopkins Airport.  I'm about 45 minutes south of the airport.   

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@QVCkitty1 : I was in the 4th grade when JFK was shot. My teacher was in her last year of teaching. The school  maintenance man came in the room with a note. My teacher had to sit down and was shaking. Principle made announcement that parents had been notified to come to the school and buses being sent. Advised to remain in classroom until further notice. Maintenance man returned with a tv for us to watch. He was like our grandfather. He went to each child giving soft pats on the shoulder and prayers. Two events that will always be remembered. Praying for everyone today.🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏

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[ Edited ]

I was at work.  We didn't have internet or a TV at that time - heard the first reports on the radio.  Then we were talking to people at home getting updates.  When the second plane hit my hubby came in my office and said that we were under attack.  When Flight 93 went down we - and most offices in the Pittsburgh area - were evacuated - we're about 50 miles west of there.  Very scary.


I always watch a lot of the progrramming every year - on The History Channel.  


This morning I watched a progrram called Days That Shaped America - Sept 11th - very very sad.  And you think you. remember how horrific it all was but seeing it again is just like "reliving" it.  It's still so unbelievable.

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[ Edited ]

I was working a couple of blocks away from the Twin Towers.  I had only been in the office about 1/2 hour.  My office was on the 51st floor of a nearby building.


A co-worker called.  He was on his way to work - walking down Broadway (he lived in Greenwish Village) when he saw the first plane hit.   We all went over to the windows a few minutes before the second plane hit.


All our elevators were stopped ... the building evacuated - and we had to walk down 51 floors!   No subways or buses ... so I walked home (about two miles) with another employee who was going to walk up to her son's school.


We were just a couple of blocks north of the Twin Towers when we heard a horrible rumble and turned to see the first tower drop.  As we were walking home, someone stopped us on the street and told us the Pentagon had been hit. 


I've re-lived that day every year on 9/11.