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May be an image of text

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Registered: ‎03-19-2016

@hullie   The puppy pictures of Bijou are adorable. He's so fuzzy and cute. Be careful he doesn't run under your feet and trip you. They're so fast! 
 My Jack Russells were so small as puppies I had to have bells attached to their collars to warn me. They learned to walk silently so as not to attract attention. 
   I hope you're okay from your fall today.take care! 

   Everyone : I've spent all morning with the phone and iPad and house repair people. I'm getting two more estimates on painting, . The power washing owner came this morning and they will do the house and windows, roofs also including the back garage. If it gets wet inside maybe son will move the old Mustang. Xmas stuff is in plastic boxes or bags mostly. 
    I'll have to eat sparingly for months so I can afford it but it must be done. It's not been painted for 16+  years this will be the last time for me. 
    After appointments I took my son and granddaughter cookies and brownies, bones for Tony. 
     Today was new comic day and many people were petting Tony and giving him treats. One customer had him do tricks. Then my granddaughter had him do more. He responds so well to her and is such a happy hungry dog, ha!  A friend was fixing my son's fence this morning he doesn't want a new one, but is getting a new roof. 
       Yard crew just left and conveniently didn't have a trimmer. It was edged last week but they need to do the beds with trimmer I told him in my limited Spanish with hand signals. Whew! 

🏚️ +🔨🚿🎨=🏡💸 🗞️🍪

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@possummink   I'm so glad to hear from you! I was wondering how you and the cats and family are doing. Family should be first ther, but I know how you love the kitties! 
  I'm sorry you're in such pain, My cousin has a tens machine that Medicare paid for that helps along with injections. You might want to ask about that. Take care!

            🥰  🐈🐈‍⬛🌼❤️

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Registered: ‎12-12-2017

@possummink wrote:


Hi my Friends,   I hope all of you are doing well and having a nice Spring.  I am sorry not to be posting much.  It takes me so long to get anything done and even getting on line today took over 20 minutes.  Microsoft did an update while I was off line and it takes forever for the computer to deal with these updates. It's an older computer, about 8 or so years, I think and so I guess that's why things progress so slowly.  I don't want to buy a new one. It could be that I need to update the delivery system.  


Am still dealing or trying to, with the bone on bone pain in both hips plus arthritis in both knees, and a really bad back.  Makes walking, standing and at night even laying down painful.  Sitting is the only pain free activity.  Am hoping the next shot in early May will help.  Meds that were prescribed or suggested haven't helped and some scare the heck out of me so I won't use them.  The stronger pain meds that could be used can result in less stability when walking or standing, affecting balance.  I don't need to have any falls, so I am holding off for now.  


My flowers are so beautiful, the daffodils are just about gone as is the forsythia, red buds.  Dogwoods are  stunning in the  area.  I wish I had an old fashioned Spirea bush.  My old one got crowded out by my brother's snowball bush and some other plants.  My brown trillium has been beautiful, the big clump/area of them was here when we bought this place in 1961, don't know how long they'd been there before that. 


I did get my tractor started on Monday, knowing storms were forecast for Tuesday, and got my neighbors yard cut and almost all of mine.  Have some big limbs down in the front yard that I have to move before I can cut that area.   The limbs are too big for the mower blades to chop up.  I know it's not the best thing for the blades, but it saves me lots of steps as that front yard is at least 1/2 acre or more.  Lots of trees, so lots of limbs.  


My family is doing pretty well.  My daughter is back at work and is doing pretty well.  Her ultrasound on uterus turned out to be negative, thankfully.  

Riverlynn is teething and yacking plus talking now.  She's a joy for our family and I'm afraid is pampered too much.  She loves her food for sure.   The boys are doing well, Kiwi is learning and changing so much.  Hard to believe Trenton will be in school too, this fall. 


My middle grandson and his wife will have their baby boy in one month.  

He will be my 4th great grand.   My brother and his wife will have their 6th grandchild in October.  The family is growing!!  


I haven't read back on posts so I don't know what has been going on while I was off line.  I miss being here, but just can't sit for long without my feet starting to swell, and my back rebelling against this computer chair.  




Hullie,  You are right about the fear of storms.  I am almost paranoid if I see orange or red on the weather map.  Thankfully that storm system yesterday didn't get violent here.  I feel so sad for anyone in the path of the awful weather Spring brings.  Not my favorite season due to the weather systems.  Love the flowers, better temps, not hot, though yesterday and the weekend were hot to me, in the 80ies.  


Love your new little puppy.  I saw the photos and he's precious.  What kind of puppy is he?  Enjoy having him.  My cats do keep me smiling and busy.  Strange bumps, thumps and crashes during the night, plus big plants toppled over in the living room at times.  Never know what they're into.  Surprises all the time,  Guess it helps keep my mind working. 😸🐈 😏🙄🤩


I hope to get back to posting more often as I miss out on so much and need this connection with y'all.  I do keep all of you in my daily prayers.  Be safe and well, love y'all.  💖🌞🌻💐🌿🌼



Dear @possummink,  It's a total joy to hear from you!  I know you''re enjoying your flowers.  Wonderful news that your daughter is much better, I've been thinking about her as well as your painful hips and knees.  I wish that you could get that magic shot more often.  I'm going to count the days until you can have another shot.  I worry about you, your pain breaks my heart.  Maybe it's time to throw in the towel and hire a yard man.  I wish that there were some exceptional young men, like a youth church group or boy scouts that you could hire.  Maybe call a church and inquire.  Please post when you can and you are always in my prayers.  You are loved so very much!  Heart


P.S.  It's exciting that the family is growing with new little ones on the way!  Smiley Happy



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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@1Snickers wrote:

@possummink   I'm so glad to hear from you! I was wondering how you and the cats and family are doing. Family should be first ther, but I know how you love the kitties! 
  I'm sorry you're in such pain, My cousin has a tens machine that Medicare paid for that helps along with injections. You might want to ask about that. Take care!

            🥰  🐈🐈‍⬛🌼❤️



Snickers,  Thank you!  I have heard of tens machine.  I think Lulutoby had one at one time, not sure about that.  I don't know how they work but will try to remember to ask my orthopaedic doctor about them.  


I hope all is good with you, Snickers, and your family.  Be safe and enjoy a beautiful spring.  🌳💐🌻🐕🐦🌞🌼🌿💖

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Re: Blue Skies Ahead

[ Edited ]

@Sassy7356 wrote:


@Sassy7356 , @Sweet Caroline 1 , thank you for your well wishes. My appointment went well. This one was going over my bone density again that shows osteopenia.  She told me again that I need to take Prolia. I expressed my concerns, and told her we could talk again when I return in September.  


Today has been busy. My son and I went to the laundromat for rugs, and then the grocery store. I took him to Papa Murphys for a calzone, which he is enjoying now. My DH has had a busy work week.


I am cooking baked catfish, baked sweet potatoes, salad, and great northern beans for dinner. 




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Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

@possummink wrote:


Hi my Friends,   I hope all of you are doing well and having a nice Spring.  I am sorry not to be posting much.  It takes me so long to get anything done and even getting on line today took over 20 minutes.  Microsoft did an update while I was off line and it takes forever for the computer to deal with these updates. It's an older computer, about 8 or so years, I think and so I guess that's why things progress so slowly.  I don't want to buy a new one. It could be that I need to update the delivery system.  


Am still dealing or trying to, with the bone on bone pain in both hips plus arthritis in both knees, and a really bad back.  Makes walking, standing and at night even laying down painful.  Sitting is the only pain free activity.  Am hoping the next shot in early May will help.  Meds that were prescribed or suggested haven't helped and some scare the heck out of me so I won't use them.  The stronger pain meds that could be used can result in less stability when walking or standing, affecting balance.  I don't need to have any falls, so I am holding off for now.  


My flowers are so beautiful, the daffodils are just about gone as is the forsythia, red buds.  Dogwoods are  stunning in the  area.  I wish I had an old fashioned Spirea bush.  My old one got crowded out by my brother's snowball bush and some other plants.  My brown trillium has been beautiful, the big clump/area of them was here when we bought this place in 1961, don't know how long they'd been there before that. 


I did get my tractor started on Monday, knowing storms were forecast for Tuesday, and got my neighbors yard cut and almost all of mine.  Have some big limbs down in the front yard that I have to move before I can cut that area.   The limbs are too big for the mower blades to chop up.  I know it's not the best thing for the blades, but it saves me lots of steps as that front yard is at least 1/2 acre or more.  Lots of trees, so lots of limbs.  


My family is doing pretty well.  My daughter is back at work and is doing pretty well.  Her ultrasound on uterus turned out to be negative, thankfully.  

Riverlynn is teething and yacking plus talking now.  She's a joy for our family and I'm afraid is pampered too much.  She loves her food for sure.   The boys are doing well, Kiwi is learning and changing so much.  Hard to believe Trenton will be in school too, this fall. 


My middle grandson and his wife will have their baby boy in one month.  

He will be my 4th great grand.   My brother and his wife will have their 6th grandchild in October.  The family is growing!!  


I haven't read back on posts so I don't know what has been going on while I was off line.  I miss being here, but just can't sit for long without my feet starting to swell, and my back rebelling against this computer chair.  




Hullie,  You are right about the fear of storms.  I am almost paranoid if I see orange or red on the weather map.  Thankfully that storm system yesterday didn't get violent here.  I feel so sad for anyone in the path of the awful weather Spring brings.  Not my favorite season due to the weather systems.  Love the flowers, better temps, not hot, though yesterday and the weekend were hot to me, in the 80ies.  


Love your new little puppy.  I saw the photos and he's precious.  What kind of puppy is he?  Enjoy having him.  My cats do keep me smiling and busy.  Strange bumps, thumps and crashes during the night, plus big plants toppled over in the living room at times.  Never know what they're into.  Surprises all the time,  Guess it helps keep my mind working. 😸🐈 😏🙄🤩


I hope to get back to posting more often as I miss out on so much and need this connection with y'all.  I do keep all of you in my daily prayers.  Be safe and well, love y'all.  💖🌞🌻💐🌿🌼



Dear @possummink,  It's a total joy to hear from you!  I know you''re enjoying your flowers.  Wonderful news that your daughter is much better, I've been thinking about her as well as your painful hips and knees.  I wish that you could get that magic shot more often.  I'm going to count the days until you can have another shot.  I worry about you, your pain breaks my heart.  Maybe it's time to throw in the towel and hire a yard man.  I wish that there were some exceptional young men, like a youth church group or boy scouts that you could hire.  Maybe call a church and inquire.  Please post when you can and you are always in my prayers.  You are loved so very much!  Heart


P.S.  It's exciting that the family is growing with new little ones on the way!  Smiley Happy



@Sweet Caroline 1 


Sweet Caroline.,  Thank you.   It's not really bad or hard for me to get onto my tractor and once I'm on it, cutting the yards is pretty easy except for fallen limbs etc.  It would be probably out of my price range to have a yardguy cut the grass, as it's 2 acres for my yard and then I do cut the neighbor's back yard grass.  He has a heart condition and back problems and only has a push mower.  He can cut his front yard as it's very small and he does cut my grass between the road and sidewalk.  I do appreciate that.  His backyard is only about 1/5th of an acre and only takes me about 15 to 20 minutes to cut.  No trees or shrubs to cut around. 


Thank  you for the kind thoughts and for the prayers.  I can surely use them.  Stay safe and well. Pets for Junior.  🐶🐦🌞💖🌼🌿🌳🚜🏡

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May be an image of text that says 'Have α Lovely Wednesday M Oterel MSertConer CoreKr'

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The cat made a mess! | Funny cats, Bad cats, Funny cat compilation