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Our church has a annual paper product and cleaning supply drive in early Spring to donate to the area Food Shelf. Two weeks ago we met and I told them some Grocery store chains were limiting purchases to two per customer so we better wait and see.  It was recently on the news and hadn't affected our stores yet. If people can't find enough supplies for themselves  I don't see this as a project this coming year? Church has closed down again to only online. No Christmas Services.  People are home more again. I live alone but families use alot more paper products.


When I had my Stepdaughters at home they used alot of paper towels. Now one roll will last me a month if it is a good name brand. I used to go through alot of canned soups with teenagers home as well.



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I began buying one extra package of toilet paper and paper towels in July. I knew people would panic and start hoarding again. 

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I went to Sam's Club yesterday and no toilet paper but plenty of paper towels. I went to Target and their shelves were nearly empty. They had some rolls but not like it used to be. What is wrong with people?

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After reading on CNN that Walmart was running low on TP, I went online to check the availability in my local store.  They had available virtually every brand I could recall to check and they had most available in 3 sizes at least.


I've been buying whenever I see a good price and have a more than ample supply.


I mostly use cotton tea towels so a roll of paper towels lasts me close to a year.  Saves a lot of money too.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Walmart by me has plenty of TP and Paper Towels. However, not so much in the cleaning products.

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.  I was at Sam's Club a few days ago to buy paper towels, but there weren't any.  They did have TP !!!!!!!

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We went to our local Walmart yesterday and the entire shelves were empty of TP, Paper Towels and Napkins.  


What I found really strange was the odd things that were not available.  I was looking for a plastic pill holder and there were absolutely none available.  The pharmacist said they had a run on them a few weeks ago.  Why pill holders?


The same thing happened with a soap dish.  The kind that you use for travel.  I needed one for a different reason but the clerk told me that they had a few and they sold out very quickly.   


In regular times those items would be available everywhere.  They were just odd items to be suddenly in demand.  


I went into the veggie area and could not find a single bunch of radishes.  They had plenty of other veggies but not a radish to be found.   The produce clerk told me that she had stocked quite a few right before closing the night before, but at 7:00 AM the next morning they were all gone.   Why the run on radishes?  


I know I love them but I didn't think they were all that important to others.


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@J Town Girl I had the same experience at my WM!  Except what I was shopping for was the little plastic pill pouches---totally gone. I've not had trouble finding them before, but none to be found now. Ended up ordering some from Amazon.