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Here we go again with the empty toilet paper shelves. If you're going away for the holidays (hope you aren't), BRING YOUR OWN TOILET PAPER.

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Thanks again to all the greedy, selfish, disgraceful, thoughtless, so-called humans out there! 

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@Buffalogal47  Many people who did not think there would actually be TP shortage the first time around, are acting out of experience during this second wave.


The numbers of cases and risks are much higher now if you have to shop from store to store to get the items you need for your family. Many places here have already put limits on the numbers of items you can purchase. 

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@Shanus ... in July and September my DH and I stayed at my brother's sister-in-law's house at the jersey Shore for a week each time.  Given the circumstances we did bring our own TP and paper towels.  

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 @Boehm Collector   At the beginning of all this, we only went for the day to visit the granddaughters 1/2 hour away, but we brought our own roll and a package of 12 rolls of TP I was able to snag at Target. My DIL said it was a better gift than my homemade cheesecake I usually bring for them. I'm still not sure how to take that. LOL

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@Shanus I can understand picking up an extra pack or 2 of paper products  & cleaning supplies, especially if you have a family. That's stockpiling.  But there is no excuse for the hoarding that went on last March. That was just plain greed. Thankfully the stores woke up and are putting limits on basic necessities so that doesn't happen again. 

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@Buffalogal47   I've also heard on news reports this morning that suppliers have revved up production after coming up short last time. 

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I went my local giant eagle, tp was there but not many paper towels. What blew me away was finding disinfectant wipes - none by lysol but they had clorox as well other brands, limit 2 per person. I bought two (80 count). They did have other empty shelves though, this being winter now many are making either chilis or pastas because tomato sauces were scant. They've had very little soups since March but now all of a sudden they have more soups. I suspect these will be disappearing soon.


Every time I go shopping I buy toilet paper. My husband takes a small thermos of soup in his lunches when he heads out for work. I buy soups too. I'll be honest, I am and have been stock piling with some things since March.


It is really sad though how much grocery stores have jacked up the prices on a lot of items regardless what they are.

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   I didn't hoard in March when this whole thing started. Well low & behold we nearly ran out of toilet paper & paper towels. I literally spent hours on the internet looking for this stuff. Luckily I was able to score.

  Now every time I'm in the market which is about once a week I buy 2 of each which is the limit. I will also be sharing with my son & his in-laws.

  I didn't want to have to do this but I won't be left without. I see people going in & out of the marked several times buying the limit on paper goods in just the hour I'm in there.They also have their spouses & kids doing it.



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I am stunned that grown people don't have enough common sense to take care of themselves in case of emergency.

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