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Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Shabbat Shalom and a beautiful autumn November weekend to all.


And more time passes us by while we are living in a state of flux. Many schools are opened, and more are closing every day, while others are wide open. Work from home or take the subway or railroad to work? Visit the hairdresser or another month with long, unruly gray hair? Dining out or eating home? Every day there are more decisions to be made. And now the numbers are going sky-high AGAIN in several states. The numbers are growing out of control, many say due to the huge Halloween parties with no masks. Please, my friends, be careful and do what you have to do to be safe. Covid is no joke.


It's so rewarding to be able to come together here at QVC's message board every Friday and share our holidays together, regardless of our beliefs. I'd like to thank all you beautiful people who join us on Fridays, regardless of how and where you pray. I'd also like to thank QVC for allowing us to be here. A BIG WELCOME TO THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE JOINING US TODAY, and welcome back to all our regular posters. Your presence is very important to us all. Heart


I'd also like to thank those of you who are having health issues and share your trials, tribulations and successes with us. Prayers for healing to each and every one of you. Prayers to all the children who are alone and frightened and no longer are with their parents. I can't say any more but may these poor babies soon be reunited with their loved ones. May all your loved ones be healthy, but if they are ill, may they soon be well. To those who have lost loved ones, know that they will always be with you in your heart.


To those of you and your family with health issues, may everything turn out well. May your medical tests and those of your loved ones come back with happy results. May your medical treatments be successful and may you live a long and happy life. Sending prayers of healing and strength to you and your loved ones during this time.


Now, even more than ever, may our elected officials find the wisdom, maturity, courage, strength and sanity to make the right decisions for our health, security and well-being. G-d bless America! Good thoughts and thanks to our military who are protecting us from harm.


Special prayers for all the children...may they be happy, have good health, enough to eat and drink, a warm bed, and the abiding love of their parents and family who will protect them. May the children survive and thrive, and be reunited with their parents. No child should ever be alone or go to bed hungry, nor should anyone else in our beautiful, bountiful country. With the holidays coming up, please help the food banks if you can. Even a little helps.


May our own children and grandchildren be healthy and happy, and shed no tears of pain or sadness. And, MAY ALL THE CHILDREN BE SAFE AND HEALTHY, under the care of their loving parents and family.


Try to do a good deed for a friend or a stranger. They'll feel good, and you'll feel better. Be kind to others. Don't fill up your shopping cart with toilet paper, Clorox and sanitizer when there are people who are walking out empty handed. Share your bounty and feel good about yourself.


Condolences to those of you that have lost a parent, a spouse, or a loved one recently. May you find the strength to carry on, and hold good memories of your blessed loved ones to keep you strong. Good health and happiness to everyone who shares their thoughts and prayers and good wishes with us every week. Hug your loved ones every day (if you're able to) and make sure they know you love them. Keep good thoughts and surround yourselves with love.


With Love, Sunny

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Shabbat Shalom, the chill is back in the air this weekend. 

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Posts: 9,739
Registered: ‎05-19-2012

Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Shabbat Shalom!


I'm hoping that everyone has a peaceful and happy and healthy weekend.  It is with some trepidation that I write my weekend wish.  Those of us in the D.C. area are expecting the arrival of a caravan of thug types who like to bully; they are arriving in the Nation's Capital this weekend.  The D.C. Chief of Police has warned this crew not to bring their guns (that they typically pack). 


In my life, I have learned that bullies are frightened deep down.  They seem to feel insignificant, overlooked, hurt.   My wish is that their wounds heal someday and they can lead lives driven by love and compassion.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

@golding76 wrote:

Shabbat Shalom!


I'm hoping that everyone has a peaceful and happy and healthy weekend.  It is with some trepidation that I write my weekend wish.  Those of us in the D.C. area are expecting the arrival of a caravan of thug types who like to bully; they are arriving in the Nation's Capital this weekend.  The D.C. Chief of Police has warned this crew not to bring their guns (that they typically pack). 


In my life, I have learned that bullies are frightened deep down.  They seem to feel insignificant, overlooked, hurt.   My wish is that their wounds heal someday and they can lead lives driven by love and compassion.

Hi, Goldie, from your neighbor in Baltimore, stay safe. 

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Thank you, Shelbelle.  


This is concerning (as you can imagine), and I hope one thing -- that the whole thing stays peaceful.  


As I wrote above, bullies are hurt people.  If you can help them with their hurt, they typically are kinder and calmer.  Generalization, yes, but it gives me hope.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

[ Edited ]

The Holidays are soon approaching.... I was hoping and praying we would be out of the woods by now but we obviously are not.

Lets stay positive and do the right thing

Happy, peaceful, healthy, and safe weekend and week ahead.


@golding76 ,

Stay safe and try not to be even more stressed than we already are....I know easy to say...prayers send for a peaceful weekend.

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

@sunala SUNNY is a good epitaph for you as you are truly sunny!

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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Have a healthy, safe weekend. Enjoy the beautiful fall leaves and the crisp weather, if you are in those areas. Put one foot in front of the other and look ahead to better, brighter days. They are coming. Shabbat Shalom.




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Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Good Shabbos Sunny and friends,

Glad we can come together in this safe kind environment. 

Prayers for peace, intelligence, patience, sanity, and good health for all.

Stay in when possible, stay safe, and remember to breathe.

Once again, Sunny, Thank You!!!!

Super Contributor
Posts: 386
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Shabbat Shalom and Happy Autumn to ALL - Be safe!

Shabbat Shalom to all you lovely people.  Wishing all of you a safe and happy weekend.  It finally has stopped raining here in south Florida and things are starting to finally dry out a bit. 


Sending prayers to those children still without the loving arms of their families and hoping that within the next few months things will start to move along and that these kids will be reunited with family.