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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

I decorate my front door only for the neighborhood kiddos (no candy...sorry).


haunted house  animation

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

YES. Everything about it should go away. It's a POINTLESS tradition.

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

I don't decorate for Halloween per say, but for fall. I love decorating for fall as it has all my favorite colors. I have a grandson just over a year old so I added a few Halloween decorations this year and he loves it, his eyes just light up. My porches are filled with huge mums that I get at a local nursery. They are seriously the biggest mums I have ever seen. I got about 15 of them and put them all over. I got some haystacks and cornstalks with lots of pumpkins and gourds. I have some mercury glass pumpkins. I go a little crazy but I love it and the house looks so nice. 


I do like Halloween but I liked it more when we lived in Buffalo because people really participated. 


When I was a kid we would go trick or treating at Rick James house, he handed out the good stuff and he would dress up and the people that were at his house were all dressed up too, even the security guards. We would also go into a neighborhood where all the Buffalo Bills lived, as they handed out full size candy bars. People would open up their garages and completely decorate them and play spooky music. They would hand out candy along with serving donuts with warm apple cider and hot chocolate. It wasn't just one or two houses that did this, lots of homes did this and it made it really fun for the kids. Where I live now in Raleigh some people don't even hand out candy and just turn out their lights. Not many houses did that where I lived in NY. 


We do hand out candy and my husband goes up to Costco and gets tons of full size candy bars and other goodies. 


In our group of friends, one of  us usually has a Halloween party. We always dress up and go and it is a lot of fun. It has been a couple of years since I have hosted the party but I will probably have it next year. 


I think Halloween is fun but it is what you make of it. If you aren't around a lot of people who are into too then no it isn't as much fun but luckily we are.

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

@NoelSeven wrote:


For those who don't enjoy giving out candy, turn off your porch light and either just keep low light in your front room or move to another room so you have no welcoming light showing.


Around here it's a universal rule, no porch light means don't go there.

WRONG. BAD idea. I know many people who did that, and their houses were vandalized.

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?



That wreath is etsy. I wish I could make one like this! Smiley Happy

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

Our sons wedding album w/ all the pics is wonderful. We have lots of memories. All the groomsmen wore different costumes. The best picture EVER taken of me was the brides mother and myself talking.

A TV station was at the wedding and asked the bride what she would be doing on future Halloweens and she said getting her kids ready for Trick or Treating. That was true. Looking at the  album brings back many happy memories esp of people that have passed away.

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

Love Halloween and Fall. My DD birthday is the 30th so it is big for us... 

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

Now that DD is grown, I could care less about Halloween, but I do decorate for Fall. Christmas is the biggie for me, I go all out.

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Re: Are you bah humbug about Halloween?

Every year there is less & less trick or treaters, most of the church's in the area do the "tail-gate" thing, it keeps the kids off the streets & more protected.

I go upstairs in the evening to watch tv or whatever, so I do put out a bowl of treats & the porch lite is on, candy is always gone.

Late afternoon is when the little ones are out with parents so it's fun catching up with the neighbors, but my only decoration is a scarecrow.