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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

Here's a great tip passed down from my Dad....


We lived in So California and every garage or/and shed at the house we lived in got a liberal coat of HIGH GLOSS optic white paint!  Every nook and cranny, including the loft areas.  A lot of work (we all pitched in) but worth it!


We never had black widows or really any other spider making webs because they hate any refleted light and the white glossy paint would create enough reflected light to not make the area hospitable for their nests.  


It really works!  DH and I have done it since our first house when after a few years we saw one of  the biggest black widow nests (with babies) in a corner of our garage. That's when we started our own white painting..... ! 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

@Q4u wrote:

Here's a great tip passed down from my Dad....


We lived in So California and every garage or/and shed at the house we lived in got a liberal coat of HIGH GLOSS optic white paint!  Every nook and cranny, including the loft areas.  A lot of work (we all pitched in) but worth it!


We never had black widows or really any other spider making webs because they hate any refleted light and the white glossy paint would create enough reflected light to not make the area hospitable for their nests.  


It really works!  DH and I have done it since our first house when after a few years we saw one of  the biggest black widow nests (with babies) in a corner of our garage. That's when we started our own white painting..... ! 



What a great idea!  Thanks.  

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Registered: ‎07-24-2013

Re: Are you afraid of spiders?


spiders totally freak me out!!!   i thought the cold winter had killed their eggs.


just when i thought it was safe to go in the water....


went away for a few days and upon returning mega spiders start popping up all over the house.


there were wood spiders (i call them wood becuae they are brown)  and a lobster spider - black with long front claw-like legs.


the lobster one was in the bedroom. he just dropped to the floor and started to run. lucky i got him with hairspray and a flipflop.


need to get a can of extra extra hold hairspray.


i know they eat bugs, but i can't sleep with a spider in the room



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Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

I'm frightened of any spider because I'm deathly allergic to them.  Before I got my EpiPen, I was close to death twice because of a spider bite.  

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Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

not afraid of spiders or any little insect or critter.  if i find them in the house, i pick them up with a tissue and put them outside.


i think it's bad karma to kill anything.

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Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

[ Edited ]

I am terrified of them. When I was younger I remember sitting in my grandmothers kitchen and eating a bowl of cereal. The spider came down from a web between my cereal bowl and the front of my chest. It completely freaked me out for some reason.


Later on that night, I was sleeping and awoke to see thousands of illuminated spiders all over my body. Yes, as an adult I completely understand that this was not what I was actually seeing, but my mind was playing tricks on me. I was afraid to move for what seemed like hours. I remember I started crying, and my grandmother heard me and came into the room. When she turned on the light of course they all disappeared, because they were not there to begin with.


I now have an unhealthy lifetime fear of them.  I have my home sprayed every other month from a pest control company, to control them and the ants.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

@NanaLinda wrote:

I'm frightened of any spider because I'm deathly allergic to them.  Before I got my EpiPen, I was close to death twice because of a spider bite.  

@NanaLinda wrote:

I'm frightened of any spider because I'm deathly allergic to them.  Before I got my EpiPen, I was close to death twice because of a spider bite.  

@NanaLinda that is understandable!!

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Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

Not afraid, but not as "nice" to them as I once was.  I will stomp all of them now.  I was bitten by a brown recluse when I was pregnant.  Not a good thing to deal with at a time like that.  In a lot of pain and so worried about my baby.  Couldn't even take an aspirin for the pain.  All ended up great, but I think some of that venom got in her veins.  LOL  Or maybe that's just her dad's temper. Smiley Wink  Big "garden" spiders are still safe from my foot. 

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎07-24-2013

Re: Are you afraid of spiders?


i know i have a major fear of spiders beyond the norm. i think its because a neighbor boy came into my room when i was 4 and i was sick in bed with the flu. he had a jar with spiders in it, emptied them out on my blanket and scared me to death!! we lived in florida then and i'm sure they were some big nasty harmless crawlies but anyway i jumped out of bed and ran outdoors and got splinters on my feet and stung by wasps.


the story @icezeus about the spiders coming down from the ceiling!!!    there are spiders that live in the ceiling light fixtures and when the babies hatch they all trickle down from the webs onto the dining table!!   talk about freaky!!  


the biggest ones here live in the cellar. i wear boots down there to do laundry

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Re: Are you afraid of spiders?

don't sleep with an open mouth!