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6@Trinity11  Interesting my Mum was the only one hearing the noises too - see my earlier post - went on for about a year! But once we got her eating properly she was not hearing them took about 6 weeks but we did have to supervise.

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@dulwich wrote:

6@Trinity11  Interesting my Mum was the only one hearing the noises too - see my earlier post - went on for about a year! But once we got her eating properly she was not hearing them took about 6 weeks but we did have to supervise.

@dulwich , like your mom, my mom heard noises no one else heard. With medication she stopped hearing them. 


I really get upset reading how this torture has been going on for years for Halfpint. I really hope she finds a competent physician who identifies the problem and it brings her the peace she rightfully deserves..

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Until she admits this is in her head,  if the cats heard it ,they would react, so my point is it is up to her.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Based on how my mother acts and responds in the doctors office, I know the doctor is well aware of how she is at home.   My mother’s physical responses, and her body language speak volumes; I don’t need to read his notes after each visit to know he sees her mental changes with dementia, and understands where she is in this dark journey.  


The Dr. knows my brothers and I are watching out for Mom; he knows she doesn’t drive nor own a vehicle anymore, and that we have tried to make sure she is safe in her home.   After a miserable Christmas with Mom 2 years ago, I insisted she had to address her anxiety with meds, because she was making it hard for my brothers and I to deal with her.   Daily medication has helped tremendously, and mom is aware of how much better she feels taking the med for anxiety.  


Mom functions well in her home with a daily routine, but she can’t keep up with little things like remembering what she read in the paper today, nor keep her thoughts focused enough to cook anything beyond basic things.   Until the day comes that my brothers and I walk in moms house and see evidence of a major problem, or mom is found wandering aimlessly with no idea of who she is, that requires a physician referral for intervention purposes, mom lives each day with dementia, in the best way she can.   As she is right now, mom is not at a point to be removed from her home.   

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Cats I don't believe hear noise. They sleep soundly and one with me most of the nght.

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I only just read about this but with some seniors they do need helpers around them.  Do not know OP’s situation but  just reading this thread some assistance is needed.


We eventually moved my Mum in with us - not an easy thing to do but necessary as she did need some care and we were glad to help though not always appreciated as she was very stubborn but it was my Mum.  Do hope this poster gets some help soon.

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@dulwich wrote:

I only just read about this but with some seniors they do need helpers around them.  Do not know OP’s situation but  just reading this thread some assistance is needed.


We eventually moved my Mum in with us - not an easy thing to do but necessary as she did need some care and we were glad to help though not always appreciated as she was very stubborn but it was my Mum.  Do hope this poster gets some help soon.


I've been following these threads for awhile, and she's not willing to admit that she might need help.  She's focused on noises even though no one else has ever heard them.


Many posters have provided information re resources, various ideas, etc.  From what we know, she hasn't followed through.  I believe she had a hearing test which ruled out issues with her hearing.  I've been really impressed with so many kind and caring posters who have tried over & over to convince her to reach out for assistance.   I think it's obvious that help - at least of some kind -  is needed.  But the ball is in her court - and has been for quite awhile.

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@NYC Susan   I read she has a son does she have any other children who could step in?


My experience with my Mum and her noises she was very reluctant to see any Dr. go anywhere we had to force her then she would not speak to me for days all of this about her ‘noises’ - just wondered about her family situation.

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@dulwich wrote:

@NYC Susan   I read she has a son does she have any other children who could step in?


My experience with my Mum and her noises she was very reluctant to see any Dr. go anywhere we had to force her then she would not speak to me for days all of this about her ‘noises’ - just wondered about her family situation.


Yes, she has a son.  I don't know of any other children.  


She has mentioned that he doesn't hear the noises that she hears.  Other than that, we really have no idea what he has done to help, or what her actual situation is. 


It can be enormously difficult - as you know - to convince someone that they need help, especially when they're elderly.  So I assume the son is doing what he can, but we can tell from her posts that she doesn't see a problem other than the noises.  It would be interesting to hear his point of view, but of course we never will.  All we have to go by is what she tells us.


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@dulwich wrote:

My mother in her late 70’s complained all the time of hearing noises.  She lived on her own my father had passed.  After months of this and no solution I took her to a hearing specialist.


He could find nothing wrong but suggested that my mother, living on her own, was probably not eating and cooking as she used to when Dad was with her.  Sure enough found out she was just eating whatever came easiest- toast, bit of cereal, etc.  she never cooked meat or vegetables any more.


After a time of us supervising her diet daily-  noises all disappeared.  It is very important for seniors to eat properly as we found out and people on their own sometimes just do not bother.  Just a thought.

This is fascinating!