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You are on my heart❤ this evening as I visit the forums.🥰 It has been a week since you mentioned your upcoming physical therapy, and I am wondering how the two sessions went for you.😊 You were having SUCH a tough time last week!😔❤ Were you able to complete the two scheduled sessions?


I am HOPING🤞 and praying🙏 things went reasonably well, and that you are MUCH more comfortable this evening!!💝


Take EXTRA special care!💝🤗



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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@SandySparkles  Your so sweet!

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@SandySparkles.  In order for someone to receive a notification that you've mentioned them, the @ECBG  must be in the body of the message.  I just did it for you.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

@SandySparkles.  In order for someone to receive a notification that you've mentioned them, the @ECBG  must be in the body of the message.  I just did it for you.

@Kachina624 THANK you SO much!!!🥰



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Thank you for your thoughtfulness.  I have pt tomorrow; today was the ortho dr.  We discussed the knee he injected; I've thankfully had no pain.  He said scoliosis is a degenerative disease.  So, I'm marked to get worse if I'm not proactive, and I plan to be.  Then in the midst of this, I was terminated from work!


One 30 minute pt session is so tiring!  No way I could handle two in a row!

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Posts: 15,232
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I"m so sorry @ECBG.

I know how much you loved working with your customers.


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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@ECBG wrote:



Thank you for your thoughtfulness.  I have pt tomorrow; today was the ortho dr.  We discussed the knee he injected; I've thankfully had no pain.  He said scoliosis is a degenerative disease.  So, I'm marked to get worse if I'm not proactive, and I plan to be.  Then in the midst of this, I was terminated from work!


One 30 minute pt session is so tiring!  No way I could handle two in a row!

@ECBG You are MOST welcome!🥰


Bless your heart!!💝 I am SOO relieved that you are not having any PAIN, but was shocked and am SO, so sorry to read you were terminated!!!!😮 I know things have not been easy for you, and this certainly does not help!😔 You are such a STRONG person! I just know you will weather this storm with grace, and will somehow return to what you LOVE!❤🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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I'm so sorry you're going t.hrough this. To also lose your job which can give you an outlet. 
May your physical therapy go well.

Esteemed Contributor
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Wow, that must have been very upsetting and disappointing for you. I'm so sorry to hear that. Praying for better days ahead. 🙏🏻❤️

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Hi @ECBG --  I am very happy to read your good news that you have no pain in your knee and that you are moving forward with your PT.  You are strong 💪🏻, and will get better.  


Sorry about the job, I know you loved it.  Hopefully you can find something you love as you recover, without having to think about that job.