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Is anyone familiar with this type of brain tumor? My 38 y/o son was just diagnosed with this, and my heart is broken....
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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

I have no experience or knowledge about this but I am so sorry.....praying for your son and family.

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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

I'm so sorry about your son.

I've never heard of that. I hope he has a good medical team that will help you and your family understand all of this.

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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

((((((((((((bkgirl)))))))))))))))) I'm so very sorry.

There are so many different types of Astrocytoma, there is no way for me, or anyone really besides his Dr, to give you any info about it, without a lot more info about his specific case.

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10)

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

I am sorry, I don't know about this type of tumor. Hopefully, all can be taken care of. I was just diagnosed with 2 Pituitary Adenoma's and they are working me up for Cushing's Disease. For me it has been a very scary month. However, I did a lot of research on reliable sites such as University Medical Schools, the Pituitary Society, and the National Institute of Health. The one thing I did learn in all that I read is that if surgery is needed that I need to go to a very experienced surgeon. So all as I can tell you is that if he needs surgery, search for a surgeon that specializes in the condition that he has. I am praying for his recover, keep us posted.

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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

Only your doctor can explain best about what this brain tumor is. Godspeed for your son.

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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

My friends teenage daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor last week. They are going to a children's hospital next week to talk with a specialist. Brian tumors don't always lead to surgery, etc. Another friends brother in law was diagnosed with a tumor ten years ago and that was it. No surgery or anything. He's around 40. Positive thoughts for you and your son.
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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

I can imagine your broken heart, as what mother would not feel the same way. There is no pain like watching your child hurting. I do not know anything about brain tumors but you might get more information and support on the Cancer survivors thread on this board.

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Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

bkgirl--I am so sorry to read about your son. I wish I could offer some information to you but I have no knowledge about this brain tumor. I do wish you, your son, and your family peace and hope as you move forward in this journey--one step/day at a time, which can certainly be hard to do. Sending blessings and prayers to all of you. Please keep us posted as you feel able.

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Registered: ‎02-21-2015

Re: Brain Tumor - Astrocytoma

My husband had one of these removed 17 years ago and he is still alive and kicking. Good luck with your son!