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@World Traveler wrote:

I forgot to mention that the Bella Spirit duo has left my hair feeling thicker. I have very fine hair, so for me to feel this thickness after washing it and NOT putting on any mousse, styling cream, nor texturizing spray, is quite remarkable. I put a little leave-in, but that was the Bella Spirit Traditional.


WOW! Used it as a mask overnight? I'm not sure I would be that brave. But I definitely will go for a longer time, like 10 minutes, when I wash again.

@World Traveler, I'm not that brave.  My hair is not white, so I did not think i would wake up with blue hair.  And if by some miracle, I did, I could use hot water.  It just turned out more beautiful than I expected.  




Formally NewtoWen
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Ladies! Your comments and photos are just great. I can see a difference in all of the B&A pics. I find each and every review to be quite exciting...and with varying quantity of the CC's used in the mix, duration of leave in time and the variation of hair texture and color we all have, well it's just sounding just to darn cool to me. (No intended pun) I'm truly looking forward to my Indigo duos and joining this chat. So far everything is still in process. CS said everything is coming from the vendor who has communicated a delay. Hmmm, that's odd and I'm not sure I completely believe that. It'll be what it'll be. In the meantime I'm vicariously enjoying your each and every post.♡♡♡

Posts: 26
Registered: ‎01-06-2017

Your hair looks gorgeous!! It is brighter and yes I think does look thicker!  

I didn't get a picture of mine yet.  I went to town to do errands and we had 5 inches of rain while I was out.....  4 of it while I was running from store to store it seemed like! LOL! I looked like a drowned rat when I got home!  

I will use it again though and get a picture!  

My hair seems softer and yes I think felt thicker as well!

AND the smell! Oh my goodness!!!  

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I agree that each photo looks great and I can tell a difference on the "afters"!


So many beautiful white/silver heads of hair.  @World Traveler I can absolutely tell a difference between your photos. Your after is definitely brighter amd more luminous.  


I agree thay BST made my hair feel thicker--I love it!  😃

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Re: Indigo Chat

[ Edited ]

I'm sorry to hear your order is still processing, Rochelle!  I'm also waiting for my Bella Spirit duo, and I expected it today, after I paid an additional $3.50 to UPS to upgrade my delivery.  Instead, it seems that UPS has lost my package in some sort of electronic black hole.  I upgraded Wednesday, the UPS website says it has processed the upgrade, and that's the last I have heard, it's sat for two days in limbo.  At this rate, it looks like I should have let it come UPS Sure Post and be delivered Tuesday, because now it will remain lost until at least Monday. 


It feels like we are the last kids getting picked for the team, or we are late to the party, doesn't it?  Well, we just have to tell ourselves that we will be all the happier when we do finally get our newest WEN, and run the lyrics of "Anticipation" in our minds.


ETA:  If it does work well for me, and especially if it makes my fine hair thicker and enhances my chemically induced waves, I sure hope Chaz offers it in gallons next month, and I'll probably order two on a/d!  If he doesn't bring BSI to the Q in gallons, I'll  just order a gallon from his website!

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@World Traveler, WOAH! That is a huge difference! Your after shots looks FABULOUS!

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Well for those of us who are patently tapping our foot waiting for the “girls” Bella and Indigo to arrive I got this email from Indigo tonight.  "Sorry about the delay. We had a two day party ….umm layover in Dallas, met some charming guys and just had to do a little hair and beard adjustment, now they are cuter than ever."


We are now stranded at the UPS for two more days in this one horse town, but are keeping busy with the horses. See you around noon tomorrow. Kiss, hug, kiss, hug, Bella and Indigo.



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Well, this is my story with the Indigo:  Last month I went back to coloring my hair reddish brown (Loreal Excellence).  I'll be touching up the white/gray roots tonight, and decided to try out the Indigo this morning.  I used Fig as 1st cleanse, 12 pumps of STP and 6 pumps of the Indigo for the second cleanse, 3 pumps of FWVP SC and 24 pumps of SAM mousse.  The result:  my roots blended in with the reddish brown beautifully, like thery never have before,  no line of demarcation,  to the point where I almost don't want to touch them up yet.  Any brass in the color is subdued and my hair is bouncy and soft, no frizz.


This is how it worked for me, don't know if it will work that way for others, but I am very pleased.and will be buying more.  Haven't tried the regular Bella Spirit CC yet, but hope it's as nice as the Indigo.Heart

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Re: Indigo Chat

[ Edited ]

@qtrmoonlady1Awesome to hear! Are you going to try the Indigo by itself, without mixing it with Tropical Paradise? You might like it even better!


If it allows you to prolong when you touch up the roots, that's another great benefit.


Please post some photos of the "line of demarcation," if you want. It would be interesting to see the before and after of that.

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Posts: 703
Registered: ‎11-01-2013

@World Traveler wrote:

@qtrmoonlady1Awesome to hear! Are you going to try the Indigo by itself, without mixing it with Tropical Paradise? You might like it even better!


If it allows you to prolong when you touch up the roots, that's another great benefit.


Please post some photos of the "line of demarcation," if you want. It would be interesting to see the before and after of that.

@Hi, @World Traveler - Yes, at some point I will try Indigo by itself - looking forward to seeing those results!  I'm not very good at posting pictures, one of these days I'll figure it out.  I really feel Chaz has another winner here.  Unfortunately, I just tried to buy more and QVC seems to be out of it right now; it isn't even listed.  You can bet i will keep checking to see when they post it again.