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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

@Greeneyedlady21 She worked at Mar a Lago in the locker room of the massage room. Her father worked at MAL (it sounded like he got her the job there but she didn't actually say that; however speaking of parents her father worked at the same place). She loved the serenity of the spa atmosphere and decided she wanted a career as a masseuse. She figured these important people (Ep's female recruiter and Ep) could help with her career trying to become a masseuse. Ep paid her $200 for that first encounter. She was invited to go back the next day....she knew it would be more of the same...and went.

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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

I don't know why people are so hung up on my body language comment in my first post. As I stated earlier I'm not going to be on any jury related to this. I wanted to hear and see Victoria to see how credible she was in her accusations about Andrew and I found her to be credible, based mostly on what she said rather than body language. Sheesh
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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

@Pearlee wrote:

I want to watch this, to see how credible she is.  Thus far, I've believed her but I want to see her body language and listen to her for myself. 10:00 p.m. ET on NBC  

@PearleeWhat would be the criteria set by you to determine that her body language may or may not indicate truthfulness?


Body language is not a scientific method, regardless of how many "experts" claim it is.


The fact remains you are watching an ADULT relating what happened to her as a teen.

There is a difference.


If we are going to determine who is truthful and who isn't, body language will be used to reinforce a personal opinion, not fact.


If one does not believe her, then one look away or one shift in position or anything else will shore up that opinion.


If one does believe her, then the same body reactions will be looked at as nervousness, shame, or just being uncomfortable relating  a trauma.


All points are valid for a discussion; and once you opened the door regarding body language then the rest was bound to follow.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

Enough with the body language already. After my last post expressing that why are you asking me now to pursue it? Sheesh again Cakers
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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

In cases like this where ther is absolutely no evidence at all.  People simply choose what they want to believe.  That's why you cannot have a logical conversation with them and it's why they cannot change their minds or see things from a different view point.  

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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

It is not logical to argue about someone's interview on TV show you havent seen, as proven by some posts on this thread.
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Re: Woman Who Allegedly Was Trafficked to Prince Andrew On Dateline Tonight

[ Edited ]

 I agree, real evidence is warranted  and a through investigation  . The atmosphere  of people  just throwing out allegations   10-20 yrs later  brings questions to one's mind . Although  , the last time EP had charges against him and was found guilty , he had a very light sentence . Guess, it was all his money and powerful friends of his .

I  believe that  if guilty all parties  should  take whatever sentence our legal  system delivers  , the perpetrator and any people that  facilitated  any illegal activity . I also wonder what in the world was in these young girls minds to participate.  Where were all fheir  familie. Didn't s they  care or know abt what their daughters were doing  every day. Some apparently were approached at  a local Malls. I hope that the authorities are  investigating  despite JE's  demise. If accusations are true  ,  I'm  afraid they will find there was a complex  sleazy system .

These  young women  must have needed guidance and  decent roll models in their lives to sell themselves for money  and traveling to  swanky  locations . I don't think all the smut  on TV or movies  or  some song lyrics help any of our young women.