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My only cringe moment was the lapdance at the wedding reception.  


Oh wait - one other cringe moment (a different couple) was at one of the weddings when the guy just grabbed her face and laid a big, sloppy one on her that seemed to never end.  That was - just not good.   That made me feel bad for her.


I also agree about the coming attractions.  It's like they just absolutely have to make sure there is plenty of drama.    Before that started I felt somewhat encouraged - maybe not across the board.

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@chickenbutt wrote:

My only cringe moment was the lapdance at the wedding reception.  


Oh wait - one other cringe moment (a different couple) was at one of the weddings when the guy just grabbed her face and laid a big, sloppy one on her that seemed to never end.  That was - just not good.   That made me feel bad for her.


I also agree about the coming attractions.  It's like they just absolutely have to make sure there is plenty of drama.    Before that started I felt somewhat encouraged - maybe not across the board.

@chickenbutt Yes, I wanted to mention Shawneice(sp?) giving her new husband a lap dance at the wedding reception, groom was very embarrassed as his mother was watching. Very inappropriate behavior for first meeting someone.

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sommertime wrote:

chickenbutt wrote:

My only cringe moment was the lapdance at the wedding reception.  


Oh wait - one other cringe moment (a different couple) was at one of the weddings when the guy just grabbed her face and laid a big, sloppy one on her that seemed to never end.  That was - just not good.   That made me feel bad for her.


I also agree about the coming attractions.  It's like they just absolutely have to make sure there is plenty of drama.    Before that started I felt somewhat encouraged - maybe not across the board.

@chickenbutt Yes, I wanted to mention Shawneice(sp?) giving her new husband a lap dance at the wedding reception, groom was very embarrassed as his mother was watching. Very inappropriate behavior for first meeting someone.


Thanks for filling in the lady's name.  Still too early for me to remember anybody's name at this point!  Smiley Happy


She just seemed to be trying to hard - or something, but yeah - you could see that he was REALLY embarrassed and kept looking his mother's way.


I'm not even close to a prude but that just seemed a bit much and especially in a case where they don't even know each other yet.  I wonder if he was thinking 'omg, did I just marry a stripper?'.   ruh roh

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I finished watching a little bit ago.


My initial thoughts now that I've seen their weddings.  Shawniece is too over the top.  Maybe she's nervous and getting carried away but even the way she was speaking to Jephte after they got married was odd to me.  They just said I do and she was talking about what she did to get herself through being single for 4 months.


The firefighter bugs me.  There is something right now I can't put my finger on, but I'm just not a fan.  He almost has a David like quality to him.  (Remember David married Ashley and she had zero personality)  Everything is just so great and his wife is so fabulous and she's everything he's always wanted, blah, blah, blah.   He's over exuberant about someone he met a minute ago.       

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LipstickDiva wrote:

I finished watching a little bit ago.


My initial thoughts now that I've seen their weddings.  Shawniece is too over the top.  Maybe she's nervous and getting carried away but even the way she was speaking to Jephte after they got married was odd to me.  They just said I do and she was talking about what she did to get herself through being single for 4 months.


The firefighter bugs me.  There is something right now I can't put my finger on, but I'm just not a fan.  He almost has a David like quality to him.  (Remember David married Ashley and she had zero personality)  Everything is just so great and his wife is so fabulous and she's everything he's always wanted, blah, blah, blah.   He's over exuberant about someone he met a minute ago.       


Hi LD!  Those are both great points.  I had forgotten some of that because it became almost nuanced, compared to the sloppy, wet, grabby kiss and the lapdance incidences!  Smiley Wink


I wanted the firefighter guy to be a nice guy.  Maybe he is and he was just all nervous and then with everything AND having drinks - who knows.  But drinking doesn't change who you are, it just magnifies it so I guess we'll see.


Shawniece - yeah she was kind of going a bit far with talking about that like that.  It almost seemed nervous talk but - come one!   Where's your line?  Sometimes, in polite company, you kind of structure your talk to respect 'the room' and either she doesn't know that or she was just trying too hard, as you mentioned.  She seemed sweet - before the wedding.  Smiley Very Happy

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They all seem normal now but the crazy will come out.  It would not be a fun show if everyone was nice and fell in love without an argument. 

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ro1234  Well, last night's show was interesting. Their first night together. Shawnee needs to back off ~ she's scaring her new dh half to death. He's so shy and having trouble with her forthrightness. Ryan and his wife seemed to hit it off. The upcoming previews appear a little troublesome. John and his gorgeous wife seem to be a perfect match. They are beautiful together.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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I'm enjoying the show so far, but, unfortunately I don't see any of the marriages working out. Although, I hope I am wrong. I hate to be a pessimist.  Sorry I can't remember everyone's names yet.  With that said, the firefighter is just plain odd to me, and way too over the top. I find him either disingenuous or weird. She seems oblivious, but she is still healing from the loss of her fiance.  Maybe she is looking and hoping for the best, which I can totally understand. The cute, fit guy and his wife seem adorable together.  But, that seems totally based on looks.  Hopefully, when they learn each others personalities and quirks it will still work. The other couple I just don't have hope for, at all.  He is way too shy to have done the experiment.  Either that or he is not that into her.  She is too pushy and delusional so early in knowing him. He is a bit too tentative, but she is not undertanding or patient, at all.  The lap dance and the comment about her personal life was a bit much.  Says a lot about her.

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What are everyone's feelings on the fact that the experts have decided this year to send them all to the same honeymoon location together?  I can see pros and cons to this. 


@SoftRain, I have been saying the same thing throughout this thread about Ryan, the firefighter.  He's just too much and I don't know if he's just weird or pushing too hard to make it seem as if they are a perfect match.  Maybe they are but geez dude. Slow your roll. 


It will be interesting to see what happens with John (the fit guy) and finding a job since he lost it due to this show. 


The one I like the most is Jephte.  I like his wife Shauniece the least.

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I finally saw my tape of the recent show.  I am having my doubts that Shauniece and her husband will stay together.  I think that she was showing worry when he was talking about that they were strangers.  He probably could have said that better so not to hurt her feelings.  The guy that doen't have a job is just so happy he is married to a blonde so I don't think anything else matters to him.  If I was her, I would see how long it takes for him to get a job, that would be important to me. Then the fireman and Jaclyn I think have a chance unless the newness wears off and they get to know each other and don't like what they find.  This is a really difficult process that I find it surprising that they actually find people to go through it. Its just so emotional and it changes your life, but the remote chance of it working is just too low an amount to actually take the challenge and go through it. And I have read here but have not witnessed that Jamie is not too nice vocally to Doug, if that is true, then does she really care about him.