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Re: Correct pronunciation not required?

@Othereeeen wrote:



Multi-syllable words that MIGHT be affected by geogra;hy...


The one word that drives ME nut is.....




The word is ONE syllable. I bet it's used by most people at LEAST once a week if not more often.


How does is come out as "AXX" ?!?!?!?


An AXE is a TOOL to chop wood with.


AX. AX AX....


I even hear professional  commentators on the news say this...


" He was AXXED how this could have happened..."




"I axxed for his address....."


Did you AXXX her?!?!?? (Hope not....could be fatal!!!!)


The word is ASK.    A*s*k    


NOT Axx. You use an AXX to chop wood.


And yes I know AX the tool is spelled AXE.

This reminds me of the 'Everybody Loves Raymond' episode where he guest hosted on a sports program and wound up mispronouncing a lot of words such as you mentioned in your post.  He'd say ax instead of ask, he couldn't pronounce asterisk or cinamon (cinamum), and on and on, he had such anxiety over it.


What I am noticing on commercials are words like kitten being pronounced ki TEN or any words with the double tt with the accent on the last t sound.  Just sounds off to me.  Isn't this silly?

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Re: Correct punctuation not required?

@dooBdoo wrote:


               I don't really focus much on pronunciation as long as I can understand the message.   I grew up in the deep southeast, wonderfully southern accents all around, and I still enjoy the charm of regional accents and pronunciations.   There are only 2 words that sometimes catch my ear:  nuclear and realtor, and for some reason I notice when words ending in "ing" are pronounced as ending with "een" as if there's no "g" there.   

               That's just my personal quirk, though.    I still prefer the rich and human blend of regional and cultural accents and pronunciations.   I like them.😊

               Somehow this general discussion brings to mind an old Harry Chapin song, "Mr. Tanner."   Sure, hosting shopping shows might not be the artistic endeavor singing beautiful music is, but there are times when we criticize people into the ground and crush their spirit.   I hope never to do that.

               It's obvious that @hyacinth003 meant to type "pronunciation" instead of "punctuation."   With all the typos I make, and will make, that gets a quick pass from me -- and also I know from other threads that she's been under substantial stress lately.   We all get distracted now and then, right?   My condolences, and good wishes to you, @hyacinth003.❤️


Newkyuhler and reeluhter I’m guessing,  LOL. And SPELL CHECK gets me into more trouble than the way I spell things without it!

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Re: Correct pronunciation not required?

This reminds me of a time when I was watching JTV. They have a collections of CZ's called Bella Luce Esotica. The host inadvertently called it a word that is very similar in spelling and sound but means something totally different.  She immediately apologized and spent the rest of the show concentrating so hard not to repeat that mistake. You could tell she was silently saying the correct word before verbalizing it. Good thing she is not on QVC.

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Re: Correct punctuation not required?

@Shanus wrote:

I’m wondering if those calling out the OP in such a snarky way, would do so if with her face to face. It’s so easy to be unkind hiding behind a keyboard. 



No one I know would say what the OP said because they accept people for who and what they are.  And if OP said this to my face, I'd be kind while reminding her that pronunciations vary by region and other reasons and that she has an accent to people in many parts of the country too.