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Re: Who Doesn't Eat Leftovers????

We love leftovers and many times make extra just to freeze them and have for a few more meals.

Many leftovers marry overnight and taste even better the 2nd and third day.

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Re: Who Doesn't Eat Leftovers????

We eat some leftovers but most of the time we don't. It is just the two of us and I cook for two people so we really don't have much leftover. Neither one of us really like them unless it is something like soups or roast.

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Re: Who Doesn't Eat Leftovers????

We eat leftovers here and always have done so. DH takes his lunch to work everyday; he refuses to buy a lunch, does not enjoy deli meat sandwiches, and prefers to take our leftovers. It's healthier and tastier than fast food. When our son was in school, he always preferred to take his lunch rather than buy lunch at school. He would take soup or stew, sometimes pasta with sauce or baked ziti and a yeast roll or two. Always a couple cookies or a cupcake. He always said he'd rather eat leftovers than the stuff they served at school. If I made fried chicken, which was rarely, he always put a couple pieces of chicken aside for his lunch. And he did this from elementary school all the way thru high school. And when he went to college, he would take all kinds of home cooking foods with him (I always sent a care package of baked goods every other week, too).

We had a marinaded and grilled London Broil on Sunday for our dinner. Tonight we are eating the leftovers, thinly sliced, with some pickled onions in pitas; it's an old Sara Moulton recipe that's quite yummy. She uses fresh beef, but it works very well with leftover flank steak, too. Along with steamed broccoli and carrots with lemon. Perfect for a quick Wednesday night supper.

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Re: Who Doesn't Eat Leftovers????

On 2/22/2015 colliegirls said:

I know several women who say their husbands refuse to eat leftovers. I just do not understand this! What do they do with the good leftover food, toss it??? Is everyday a new main course and meal?? Seems ridiculous to me!! I purposely make enough for at least two meals. How did the spoiled husband ever get this way???

Well, they probably don't do that, for start. Smiley Happy

Some people enjoy cooking and don't mind doing it every night. Sometimes I do that and go out to eat when I don't want to. Other times I do the same thing you do - intentionally cook enough to last more than one meal. I live alone, so I can do whatever I want and most recipes are for more than one serving, so I usually have enough for at least two people. If I buy a roast, it's usually at least one pound, so I can either ask the butcher to cut me a smaller piece or eat the same thing for three days. I try to mix up up side dishes or change it up that way.

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Re: Who Doesn't Eat Leftovers????

I don't like leftovers.

Once I have cooked it and tasted it a thousand times while preparing....then eat the meal...I am done w/ those flavors!

I prefer fresh meals but really am just ready to move onto the next dish! (exception is soups...because that big pot contains several meals! But even w/ more time, then I am done with it)

I must do all my mom's cooking (Alz) and use part of the meals for her. Then any other leftovers are eaten by my husband! Nothing is wasted and he doesn't mind a repeat meal.