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Lovely color in the garden today


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Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Re: Lovely color in the garden today

Your gardens are gorgeous!!!  I love to tiptoe through everything!!! 


We have a lot of similar blooms but I'm not sure what the deep red flowers are in the center of the one photo with the Joe Pie weed on the left. 


Love your hemlock, nice shape. Love the white hydrangeas towards the end on your shoot. Cannot leave out the lovely monarda either.  We used to have a crop of it too but no more.  I need some more though - hummers love it!  And I love the butterfly you captured on the cone flower!!! 


Everything is just lovely!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Lovely color in the garden today

So beautiful and peaceful !!! Looks like you spend alot of time and love there. Lovely pics!!!!

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Posts: 7,652
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Lovely color in the garden today

[ Edited ]

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

Your gardens are gorgeous!!!  I love to tiptoe through everything!!! 


We have a lot of similar blooms but I'm not sure what the deep red flowers are in the center of the one photo with the Joe Pie weed on the left. 


Love your hemlock, nice shape. Love the white hydrangeas towards the end on your shoot. Cannot leave out the lovely monarda either.  We used to have a crop of it too but no more.  I need some more though - hummers love it!  And I love the butterfly you captured on the cone flower!!! 


Everything is just lovely!

PinkDogwood, there is no Joe Pye in these shots.  I never made it to that part of the garden.  Counting from the top, which photo is it?  


I would love to see photos of your garden.  I love the monarda too.  These are getting old now.  They have had a good run.


Blooms are so behind this year.  Nice to see the colors coming now!  LM


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Re: Lovely color in the garden today

I especially love your hostas.   I've tried to grow them here but they just look at me and laugh as they drop dead.  Too hot I guess.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Lovely color in the garden today

Wow!  Your gardens are beautiful.  I was wondering where you are located?  I am in Central N.J. and the deer are really a problem.  They munch on so many of my perennials.  Anyway, I am hoping one day my gardens can look as lovely as yours.  Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Lovely color in the garden today

@katy keene wrote:

Wow!  Your gardens are beautiful.  I was wondering where you are located?  I am in Central N.J. and the deer are really a problem.  They munch on so many of my perennials.  Anyway, I am hoping one day my gardens can look as lovely as yours.  Thanks for sharing.



I am in Nova Scotia, on the east coast of Canada.  We have deer too but they stay away from our property because of our Labrador Retriever.  DH has quite a few apple trees on the property.  Each fall, we usually take a trip.  Our Lab stays with friends.  My neighbor says as soon as we are gone, the deer move in.  They eat every Apple so if we want apples, we must pick them before we go.  They are more interested in the apples than my flowers it seems!  LM

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Re: Lovely color in the garden today

[ Edited ]

Ms Lily - I believe it's the 10th photo down, same one with the red fleurs in the center and a pink hydrangea on the right side.  Maybe it's a sedum that's not in bloom yet that I see, resembles Joe Pie weed.


I also forgot to mention the lavendar-like thistle that's in bloom.  Had this in my garden too, hubby loves these as well.


As I read more posts, I see that you're in Nova Scotia - WOW, I'm jealous!  Do you have 4 seasons there?  I know nothing about NS sorry to say.  What are your seasons like if I may ask?


I counted down again - it's the 11th photo I'm referring to.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Lovely color in the garden today

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 wrote:

I especially love your hostas.   I've tried to grow them here but they just look at me and laugh as they drop dead.  Too hot I guess.


@Kachina624, I wonder if something like Russian Sage would grow for you?  That is one of my first plants on this property that went on the big hill in full sun.  It's a tough one and I love the willowy sway of this plant in the wind.  It's foliage is silvery and it produces a soft purple flower.  


I know now that my hostas, with a few exceptions, like the shade and ground that doesn't go arid in the sun.  The ones I had in full sun on the big hill I eventually moved as the evergreens pushed them out with their growth.  That was ok with me as that was their purpose.


I think I mentioned before that my brother lives in British Columbia and has a very very dry climate, much more desert like than mine.  I see sage growing wild there.  It's very beautiful.  Sadly, British Columbia is having difficulty with forest fires because it is dry.  LM


Here is a blurb on Russian Sage.  Hope the picture comes through.  If not, Google it.


Russian Sage

With it airy spires of small, purple-blue flowers and finely-cut, gray-green foliage on upright, grayish-white stems, Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) adds a haze of color to the garden from midsummer into fall, blending well with just about any other flower color. With semi-woody stems, this member of the mint family is drought tolerant and trouble-free.
About This Plant
The leaves of this Central Asian native are aromatic when crushed. Most plants reach between 3 and 5 feet tall. While considered hardy in zones 5-9, it struggles where the summers are hot and humid. While most plants sold are listed as P. atriplicifolia, many are hybrids that are more properly named P. x hybrida. Regardless of their botanical name, they are a great choice for a water-wise garden.
Special Features
Several cultivars are available. 'Blue Mist' has paler blue flowers than the species. 'Longin' has a more upright, narrow growth habit. 'Little Spire' gets only about 2 feet tall, with an upright habit. The leaves of 'Filigran' are more finely dissected than the species, giving it an airier appearance.
Site Selection
Full sun and well-drained, even dry soil of average fertility are required for Russian sage to thrive.
Planting Instructions
Container grown plants can be set out throughout the growing season. Space plants 2-3 feet apart. Prepare the garden bed by using a garden fork or tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of 12 to 15 inches, then mix in a 2- to 4-inch layer of compost. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the pot the plant is in. Carefully remove the plant from its container and place it in the hole so the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Carefully fill in around the root ball and firm the soil gently. Water thoroughly.
If plants are too floppy, try pinching them back by half in early summer when they are about a foot tall. Cut back plants to about a foot in the fall or leave standing for winter interest. Then cut back to about 6 inches in the spring. Plants at the northern end of their range may be killed back to the ground; in milder areas more of the top growth will survive. Wait to see how much wood had made it through the winter before cutting them back hard in the spring. In long-season areas, if flowering stops after the first flush of blooms, cut back plants by half to encourage a second flush of flowers. Water newly set-out plants if the weather is dry; established plants are quite drought tolerant.




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Posts: 17,728
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Lovely color in the garden today

'Hostages' snicker....Woman LOL

I knew what you meant Lilysmom.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼