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Shopaholics - ODAT Tuesday 2/16

Good morning ladies, hope all is well.


We are getting the snow they promised us, I do hope it quits soon, I have a doctors appt this afternoon.   Oh to top that out, we have a leak in our dishwasher line and it is leaking through the floor on to the basement.  So we have plumber called because the shut off valve to the dishwasher doesn't work either.  It will be a fun day here today.


Well, guess I need to see if the pan needs emptied from the dripping water.


Have a good day everyone.

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT Tuesday 2/16

Hello Ladies thanks for starting Susan...sorry about your dishwasher problems...funny it must be catching..I am waiting for the appliance guy,my dishwasher won't start.  The only cycle that will is the delay one....this happened a few weeks ago..called them had an apt but I pushed the panel again and it worked so cancelled...has been working all week but wouldn't  last night, so something is wrong.  They will be here between 1-5.  It's a crummy day..expecting a lot of rain....the snow came yesterday then the ice and now's in the high 40's now expecting to go to 55... What a difference of -7 below we had Sunday.    I hope the roads aren't too bad so you can get to your Dr's. Apt.


Not much else here doing some house work before the repair guy comes.  Have a nice day everyone.....Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT Tuesday 2/16

@PAlady, thanks for starting us, and hello to everyone.

I am so sorry you are having this leak, mine sprung a leak on the door gasket a while back and had to be replaced, along with a leak under the sink, I do not like any kind of water leak/plumbing problems, as I'm sure no one does, lol. Hope it gets fixed soon. Also hope your weather improves and your doc appt goes well.


@Genny1, also hope your dishwasher problem is solved soon. 


I ran a couple errands this morning and have just been piddling around the house. It's in the upper 30's here, but was raining and damp out. Should get up to about 60 by the weekend, yay! Not much going on here, hubby is home with a bad cold, so I am just trying NOT to catch it, lol. Waves to everyone, have a great day...........

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT Tuesday 2/16

Hello all, it's warming up a bit but looks drippy, droopy and cloudy outside.  Not much going on here, other than work.


Two things get next to me like nothing else:  roof issues and plumbing problems.  Anytime water is not controlled you have an issue.


I hope all of the plumbing problems are resolved without costing you an arm and a leg.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT Tuesday 2/16

Hi girls!  It's a gloomy, overcast, chilly day here - rain is forecast, but fortunately I have no plans to go anywhere or do anything outside the house.  I have to get started on my textbook reading, but apart from that will probably just snuggle up in my bedroom with my space heater, Kindle, and coloring books. 


I talked to a mortgage guy at the bank; I have to check to make sure my credit scores are above a certain point and can then refinance for several points lower, so hopefully this will be a good year financially, with things coming together.


I also called the insurance company, and they said they'd not only pay for repairs to my car, but also provide a rental while it's in the shop.  Will driving a new car for a day or two spoil me?  Cat Wink  My car is old, but it's mechanically perfect...part of me wants a newer one with all the bells & whistles, but then again, I know what I've got...


Speaking of dishwashers, I have a new one on my "wish list."  The one I have is less than three years old, but I got an inexpensive one, figuring it's just me and it wouldn't get heavy use.  Well, this piece of junk isn't very well made - you can't remove the bottom part under the spray arm to clean it out, so there's mold in it that I have no way of getting out - really disgusting!  My hot water is turned up super-high, and I put a cup of bleach in when I use it, but I still like to rinse things off before I use them.


Victor came by last night to pick up his goodies and fixed my door that wouldn't lock.  So - that's my exciting life! 

It's quiet here today - I'll check in later.  Have a good evening, everyone.

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Re: Shopaholics - ODAT Tuesday 2/16

Good Evening!  Thanks for getting us started Susan.  I hope your dishwasher is repaired, and you are back in business.  Also hope you didn't get too much snow and made it to the doctor.  


That is a coincidence, Marijane.  Hope your dishwasher is an easy fix.  I certainly hope that isn't catching since I am pretty much addicted to my dishwasher.  I know it wouldn't kill me to hand wash things, but I never feel like I get things as clean as they are when they come out of the dishwasher.   DD's area had snow, then ice, and then rain.  Not good weather at all.  Meanwhile, we are having warm (80's) and sunny weather here.  I know many can't take the summer heat, but it is wonderful this time of the year (in my opinion.)


Sure hope you don't catch your DH's cold, snicks.  I have found that is very difficult.  I read elsewhere that you retired three years ago, and still are getting rid of your "work" clothes (I hope that was you.)  If it makes you feel any better, I have been retired nine years, and I am still holding on to way too many work things.  I am getting better, but this is crazy.


Hope work went well, Bernie.  


I do hope you can refinance your mortgage, Arlene.  And, then you can fix/replace your HVAC.  Good thing you don't need to go out in the bad weather, and Victor fixed your door.


Waves to Jean, Kathleen, twinny, LindaR, Charlene, Rosa, Gayle, spix, Barbara pinky ann, Karen, and all of our posters and readers.


DH's dental visit went fine yesterday, and today he enjoyed the "club".  I had my volunteer job, took a walk, went to the gym, and had my car washed.  Now I'm feeling a little worn out, but fine.


Sleep well everyone!



