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Good Morning/Afternoon!  Hope you aren't in too much pain, Barbara.  You will have to let us know which puppy Syd picks.  Maybe you can post a picture on FB.  Puppies are so cute.  


The POA that DH has lists all three of us, and I don't think that is a problem in Arizona at least.  However, I will go with whatever is legal.  His kids could be back-ups, I just don't want them to be in a pickle if something happens to me.


Glad you didn't get snow, Claudia.  DD's area got a huge amount.  I hope they can take their time and dig out.  I know the high school is closed tomorrow.


DH had an accident this morning, and I am thinking of a strategy to avoid this problem.  He just doesn't know what he has to do, and I may just make the decision for him.  I really hate having to clean up messes like this.  Oh well....


I started getting ready for church earlier than normal, and that was a good idea.  We will go to the gym soon.  Nothing exciting planned for the day.


Hope both of you have a good day!






P.S.  The cream you recommended finally arrived, Claudia.  And, I'm happy with it -- helps my shoulder.  Thanks.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

Glad the joint Formula helps, Linda.


R fell Friday night when the shepherd suddenly got in his way. Landed on his left side (hip replacement side of course) in the dining room. Adam had to hoist him up. Today shoulder, arm, wrist, hip, leg hurt but he won't go to be checked. Says he will wait till Tuesday when he has a dental appointment and go to the VA's urgent care if needed.


I hope you can come up with a strategy to avoid DH's problem in the mornng.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

Thanks for starting the weekly thread, Linda. Sorry you had problems with dh again this morning...I have no good ideas for you. It is more complicated because he foes not know what to do.


Sounds as if dd got a lot of snow. at least,mthey have strong young men to shovel. I think mn must have different poa rules ..and we did this 20 years ago and I am sure things have changed. 


The he puppy is pretty tiny...when I get a good pic, I will email it to you. 


Claudia..hope r so knee is better now, but when it was bad, my balance was way off. V has a terrible time..his hip replacement shortened his leg by a quarter of an inch, so he is very cane dependent.


Church was a little longer than usual and then I talked to m for a while. We are going out for lunch/dinner in a bit. I am not cooking tonight.


Today, I am feeling pretty good. Yippee.



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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

R is still hurting. He has a dental appt. tomorrow at the VA and may check in with urgent care there. He got lab work done this morning at the local hospital for the urology appt. next month then we had breakfast at Perkins.


I stopped in at the local cu as there was a possible fraud call yesterday. The automated message said an electronics store in MN so we said no that was not our purchase. This morning as I read an email that are webroot renewal with geek squad didn't go through it dawned on me what it was. If only the automated message had said geeksquad or best buy. So one replacement debit card coming my way.


The black female kitten, Merry has discovered the joys of water dripping from a bathroom faucet. Her brother Pippin thinks she's crazy.


Our temperature here is mid 20's so far. Tomorrow we're off to the VA again.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

I am trying to get organized to go home..I want to start taking my heavier winter things back.  Sometimes with the ra I feel yucky and this is one of those days. So will not be doing a whole lot.


Sydnie is really fired up about the puppy..she has named her Pepper. The breeder wanted to know her name. My one brother laughed when we told him..he considers any dog under 50 pounds a "doggette".


The weather looks decent temperature wise when I go Home.


Claudia, hope r did not hurt his hip. Me knee is pretty much back to normal, but I will keep my Drs appointment.


hope your day is going well, Linda.


i will check back.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

Sorry R is in pain, Claudia.  Hope that he does go to urgent care tomorrow. Seems like he has many doctors visits -- do you carry a book along?  I never find very interesting magazines to read while we wait.  Sorry about the CU problem.  How frustrating. I am working on DH's brokerage account, and it is not going all that well.  I am trying to set up an in-person visit for this week or next.  


Hi Barbara -- sorry about your RA acting up.  Pepper is a cute name for a puppy.  Hope your trip home goes okay.  Glad you are having your infusion and seeing your doctor.  


I decided to have DH sit on the commode for all purposes if you know what I mean, but unfortunately he had a second accident late yesterday.  In his pants this time.  Quite a mess for me to clean up -- him, the bathroom, his pants, etc.   Then, he fell down on the floor when he was trying to sit on the bed.  It was about 9:30 at night, and I was really worried that I would need to call Hospice to get him up.  But, after 10 minutes of coaching, etc., he managed to get up.  That was a blessing.  Things are better so far today.  Waiting for the social worker to show up.  Also waiting for the brokerage guy to call back.  I may try to get up there this week, but I want to make sure that he will be there.  Also, they have "restricted" DH's checking account with them, and I don't know what that means.  Not that he uses it much, but I think they may have closed it off until their lawyers go through their POA papers.


My strong bones workout went well today, and I will be leading the class on Thursday.  After that, I will not be attending on a regular basis or be the leader.  Just too difficult to do that in addition to "classes", DH, etc.


The house next door is up for sale again.  I barely met the people who bought it last year.  I know the husband had a heart attack, but I don't know if that is why they are selling.  Also, a house across the street (pretty close) is up for sale.  The husband died recently, and I guess his widow wants to move.  


DD is having quite a time with the snow.  The snow plow won't come to their court since they can't turn around, so they are waiting for a front loader and doing lots of shoveling.  


Hope both of you have a nice day and you feel better, Barbara.







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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

Oh my, Linda, you are having quite a time with dh. Maybe adult diapers would be better than the Depends. That is what my sil is in, in the memory care unit. My mom also had those at the end of her life. At least he managed to get himself up. (((((Hugs)))


and you you also have the financial issues to deal with. Would an elder attorney be helpful??? It would cost some $$$ but perhaps they could get through all of the red tape.


We will figure out a time in March to head your way and take you out to lunch.


Glad your strong bones went well. Hope the rest of the day does also.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

Linda...just read how much snow dd had. It is too bad that a neighbor would not offer to snow blow for them. I think I told you, when we had bad storms, v would go out and snow low every 2 hours. That area is not well prepared for bad storms. Hopefully it will get warm enough to melt soon

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

Growing up we had a Beagle named Pepper. She was always getting loose and since I was the eldest I was sent to catch her. We were below the hill the high school was built on after the '56 flood and it was mostly fields at that time. My bf's father said she could flush out a rabbit better than his trained dogs if only she'd come when called. 


It's a good idea to keep your appointment, Barbara even though the knee is better.


Linda, I usually carry my Kindle with me when we go to doctor appointments. What a time you had with DH. At least he was able to get up. I'm sure DD is grateful that the boys are there to shovel. When we have a lot of snow fall I try to shovel every few hours.


When you have your inperson visit it might help to take notes on what you're told.

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Re: REFORMED SHOPAHOLICS. Week of January 24

I hope you have a good flight back to the snow and ice today, Barbara.


We were to head out to R's VA dental appointment this morning. However his debit card was declined at his weekly breakfast. By the time we checked his account, made sure there were funds in it,and stopped at the credit union we had to reschedule. It turns out they put his card on hold because of the webroot payment with Best Buy. We had to call and ok it. Argh. I was worried at first because they sent 14 emails yesterday confirming the renewal. I hoped they hadn't taken the payment out 14 times. The cu double checked though and said they only did it once.


Linda, I hope DD has been plowed or shoveled out by now. It's a shame a neighbor didn't offer to use their snowblower.


I have mailed Dylan's birthday card and Wil mail Bryan's in a couple days. Also picked up more dog food along with grain free treats.