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Re: When posting do you like?

@wildcat fan wrote:

LOL If I waited for people to give me a ❤️ before going back into discussions, I don't think I'd be going back to discussions very often.  


I use and appreciate notifications. People who don't want to be notified (or have that "don't respond to me!" attitude)  are IMO clueless about what it means to participate in an online community or what it takes for an online community to thrive.

Community? You've got to be kidding! I had no idea....

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Re: When posting do you like?

[ Edited ]

@bri20 wrote:

@I heart posts that I like.  I will use the @ notification when I want to quote something or respond specifically to that poster 


If someone is nice enough to heart me, I appreciate it.   


If I am involved in a thread, I read all of it.  Sometimes I read a thread and don't have a response, but I will heart as I'm reading.  


I just do what I like - no method to my madness 






Some people heart trolls or anyone who says something nasty.  You have to wonder about that.

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Re: When posting do you like?

@Moonchilde wrote:

@I only use the @ if I really want someone to see my response. I probably use it less than many. Some people use it to call others out. I don't really intend that for my use, but some posters take it that way regardless.


I heart posts I like and agree with, simple as that. It's a thumb's up/high five from me. 


I go back to threads that interest me, but not every heart given or received merits me re-checking a thread because I was hearted or gave them - I appreciate the hearts but may not have anything more to contribute to the thread.





I do that, too.  Sometimes just to say Hi or agree.  I never heart someone who is attacking anyone else.  Most people are above doing that, thankfully.

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Re: When posting do you like?

@libbyannE wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:

My usual is to press 


then the last few posters in a discussion strand and also the OP screen names show up.

This way LOTS who have been involved in the discussion are included.


But sometimes posters are included who really don't want to be contacted again.

Suggestions about how you feel about this?


Then another thing.

I almost never go back to a discussion unless I am notified with a ❤️.


Do others do this? Use the hearts to let people know that they either have a question or want a person to be included?


Someone has a notification about wishing for PMs in the boards. The heart system could be almost as good as... no????

What are pms?


 Goodness, you make this sound complicated. I only discovered these boards a few months ago and I've never ever posted anywhere else so I didn't know it was that complicated. I didn't know there were rules and I don't know what I'm doing but if I feel like replying to something, I do, and if I feel like hitting the heart thing info, but mostly I just wander in and out if I have a few minutes. I rarely look back to see what other people have said, and I don't pay much attention to whether soneone has hearted anything I have said. I make a point of not noticing what people call themselves because this is anonymous, right? They should not include any IDs. I don't read through pages of what everyone else has said unless it's the topic of special interest. This is just a little diversion but i don't think that much about it. 



People generally get back from forums what they put into them. Don't give much, don't get much, IMO.


Those who comment without reading, and/or who plop a comment down and disappear, are seen, but they are not necessarily much regarded. If you know someone's going to do a drive-by, why pay any attention?

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Re: When posting do you like?

I tend to ignore the posters who live to scold and have nothing original to add;  just a predictable, canned response. 


I do do like the hearts and will use them to show support or appreciation for a nice comment or graphic. I didn't realize you could opt out of receiving notifications. I did choose to not see signature lines to keep things easier to read.

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Re: When posting do you like?

I don't care to get an @ just because I posted in the thread before, too. I don't always go back and to be called back just to read another response just feels like "yeah, I know it's there" I've been annoyed a couple of times I was called out because they misread a post and just wasted my time telling me something I stated already or in the beauty forum notifying me on a different version of makeup talked about that I wasn't iinterested in, just because it was the same brand.


Unless someone asks a question, I feel it's appropriate to use a @@ to answer them specifically

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Re: When posting do you like?

I give posts hearts, if I am touched or sometimes sympathetic to something someone is going through. There's many statements I read on here now, that I just have to leave the posts because of how it makes me feel.  If I get angered by something I read, I will leave many times, very few times have I responded. I will stick up for myself and I know not to get into it with anyone, I think it could get ugly.


I don't read the multi connected posts, I can't tolerate that. I don't have the patience for it, and life is WAY to short for all the arguing I see. I'll skip that too. I can always watch the "Housewives" if that's what is wanted.


At my age now, I prefer kindness to upset and all that goes with that. But then that's me! Talk about TOXIC...I don't want that in my life, I don't choose that. Most people get enough of that in their daily lives in dealing with that.


I'm not meaning to offend anyone, this is just where I am at in my life. My choices.

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Re: When posting do you like?

I try to step away from the argumentative posts too. Once 2 or 3 people start trading angry posts the topic usually gets lost anyway.  

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Re: When posting do you like?

I wrote out this topic because, for me, I prefer "responsiveness."

That doesn't mean at all that everyone else does.

 I also do consider this community ("QVC Community") to be like a conversation. That is just what I like.

Thank you for responding and giving your opinions.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: When posting do you like?

I only use @ when I want to speak directly to someone, but not for the purpose of "including" (?) people. If someone @s me, I either respond by posting a response or by hearting them to acknowledge that I read their post. 


Then there are posters I have on permanent Ignore. It started out as only one poster but, sadly, that list has grown. The individuals on this list can @ me until they're blue in the fingers, I will never engage.


Also, if I have stated my opinion and someone @s me to the contrary, sometimes I will respond if there is need for clarification but, again, if I've made my opinion clear, I won't keep the argument going. I don't need to prove I'm right.


I heart people I agree with or just for acknowledgement.


I return to discussions if I'm interested in following them. Being hearted is not a condition to return to a discussion for me.