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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

Growing up as a small child being evacuee from London to Wales during WW11 did not really know 'toys' but one of the granddads living on our street made the best toy I loved.  

He took two empty tin cans, stripped off the outside so they were shiney made two holes in bottom layer of tin threaded string through pulling up to hand height.


To play we stood on tin, held string and walked around like stilts or high heels.  Loved these.

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

I wasn't a doll kid but loved my stuffed animals -expecially my teddy bear that growled and a small pink dog that my mother made a pink poodle jumper for to match the one she made for me.  I still have both.  I also liked my western set with cowboys, horses, stage coaches, covered wagons, mountains, trees, etc that I would set up and play for hours.

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

Strawberry Shortcake Dolls

Cabbage Patch Kids

My Little Pony


Various board games like Trouble, Sorry!,  Operation, Memory, etc.



Can you tell I grew up in the 80s?  Smiley LOL

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

My books. They took me to places I could never imagine. 

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?



Betsy Wetsy


Roller Skates

Lincoln Logs and Bricks


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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

Mine was my bicycle!  Spent all my summer days on it.


Next would be my toy gun & Davy Crocket coon skin hat.  I was a tomboy and I hated (still do) dolls and anything that goes with them.

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

This little pink toy stove. Of all things, I used to pull off the buds from rag weed, put them in the little pot and either on the range top or in the oven and pretended it was the meal.


Little cars. Making roads in the driveway (gravel & dirt) and just played away!


My granddaughter has been asking for a kitchen center for a couple of years now. I have it in good confidence that she will finally get it!

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

I loved my dolls. I had Barbie, a walking doll, and talking doll. I also had a doll house ( not expensive) that I loved playing with. I liked Silly Putty and Play- doh, but after my older brother got it on the couch and ruined it, no more of either one!

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Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

My Terri Lee doll.

I do not consider books a toy.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: What Were Your Favorite Childhood Toys?

Pogo stick

Slip 'n Slide

Science kit