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@happycat  Yep.  Everyday I asked myself why I am surprised by anything these days. I am old enough to know "you kant fix stoopid".


Case in point, the SD nurse who said she had very ill Covid patients telling them to find out what was wrong with them, it was Covid because it's not real.


A hospital in Provo, Utah had conspiracy loons trying to sneak and take pics to show there was no Covid surge.


Seriously, I prefer animals to humans more and more.

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Re: What The Actual He** !

[ Edited ]

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@happycat  Yep.  Everyday I asked myself why I am surprised by anything these days. I am old enough to know "you kant fix stoopid".


Case in point, the SD nurse who said she had very ill Covid patients telling them to find out what was wrong with them, it was Covid because it's not real.


A hospital in Provo, Utah had conspiracy loons trying to sneak and take pics to show there was no Covid surge.


Seriously, I prefer animals to humans more and more.

That blew my mind. People were saying it couldn't be Covid and that they must have lung cancer instead. Saying "it's impossible," as they were dying. So awful and tragic. I'm so mad at everyone who is spreading this disease and this disinformation that makes people believe it and put themselves at risk.




And you know there are going to be teachers who are antimaskers and who think Covid is all a hoax as well. There are people in all parts of society who think that stuff is true. People who work in restaurants and grocery stores and long term care facilities as well.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@happycat  Yep.  Everyday I asked myself why I am surprised by anything these days. I am old enough to know "you kant fix stoopid".


Case in point, the SD nurse who said she had very ill Covid patients telling them to find out what was wrong with them, it was Covid because it's not real.


A hospital in Provo, Utah had conspiracy loons trying to sneak and take pics to show there was no Covid surge.


Seriously, I prefer animals to humans more and more.

Oh my, somehow I missed those stories, I will have to google them. I'm like you, I don't know why I'm surprised by anything anymnore either, but  somehow, people just never cease to amaze. I am with you, I prefer animals to humans more and more too. I thank God for my animals, I really do. 


If anyone is interfering with hospital opertions, like the Utah loons, they should be charged with something. The last 2 days I haven't watched the news for hours on end, but both days, I saw more than one doctor and nurse crying, asking people to please get serious. Begging is more like it. 

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@grandma r wrote:

2 of the grands are doing virtual, 4 are going in person (at least when the schools are open).  It has been a real challenge.  The school district has already announced it will be closed for the week after Thanksgiving. 


I just learned today that another local district, whose HS has been shut down, held a Homecoming dance this past weekend at a local country club.  Seriously?????  You can't make this stuff up.  The HS will remain closed until further notice.


As for any teacher hugging his or her students, especially with this virus, that is totally inappropriate.  The superintendent and school board should be advised.


Common sense has gone out the window and stupidity is rampant!

@grandma r 


I tried to give you lots of hearts but it will only let me leave one.

ITA with you I'm so tired of STUPID

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I'm sure the teacher has heard everything from the administration.  She was trying to be a comfort to her students.

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We have so many weak minded people who have been taught lies.


From what I can figure out of the story, the girl needs to be isolated and everyone in the house wear a mask.

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@CrazyKittyLvr2  It just seems to me, that in the past 5 years or so, millions of Americans have stopped thinking logically,  stopped believing scientific facts, and have chosen to be led around by the nose.  I just don't understand. 


I prefer to watch news on BBC channel because it consists of facts.

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There is a lot of denial in Pennsylvania that there really is a Covid-19 disease.  Yet we had almost 6,000 cases reported in the last daily count.  I live in a small community and our local hospital has 90 people hospitalized with Covid-19.  Some of them will die.  Elective surgeries are again being postponed to make sure there are enough beds for Covid-19 patients.  A friend of mine just had a serious, hateful conversation with a patron of our local YMCA.  The patron insisted there is no Covid-19.  He left in a huff and cancelled his YMCA membership because of the dust-up.   Like Judge Judy says, beauty fades, stupid is forever. 

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@fthunt   That is not what it says. 


I went and read the PA rules. I DO NOT have to wear a mask in my own home.  When I am outside of my home masks are required to wear masks indoors or outside.


If I am in someone else's home masks are required. As they are in stores, gyms etc.


I know it does not fit your thinking but re-read PA guidelines.





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Looking way back, none of our teachers hugged students.  They kept their distance. 

It was the norm, at least in the area where I attended elementary, middle, and high schools.  In a medium sized city.


Too much hugging that belongs in the home or with family and close friends.  (Well, not now with social distancing, but in virus-free times.)


I never did like shaking hands, hugging and kissing during regular cold and flu seasons.  I'm used to keeping my distance during those seasons.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).