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I don't remember what show I saw this on but this made me both mad and sad. A female student with Down Syndrome was turned down by all sororities she wanted to pledge. Why, because they deem her as "different"? At least give her the opportunity for the young women to get to know her. The girl's older sister wrote to the school, the school said there was nothing they could do as the sororities run independently from them. These woman will one day graduate and go out into the world, they will have to interact with all kinds of people, It would be nice now that this has gone public one of the sororities would invite her to pledge.

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

[ Edited ]

I saw that on the news and thought how mean and shallow those" sorority sisters" are. When you think of it though, if this gal with Down Syndrome wants to be treated like everyone else, there is a good chance that many girls who don't have Down Syndrome will be passed over too. I'm sure all the girls who get passed over feel pretty bad about it, deal with those feeling and go on.

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

[ Edited ]

I've never had a high opinion of sorrorities and fraternities.


I think the young lady with Down Syndrome just dodged a bullet, so to speak.


I'm guessing she has more to offer than all those girls put together. Their shallowness is not surprising.

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

I really have no use for the 'Greek life' on college campuses. 


Of course there are good people and they do some good things (charity mostly), but over all, I think we need to move beyond what usually happens with sororities and fraternities. 


I knew when I went to college I wanted no part of any of it. My niece and nephew were both heavily involved and it was terrible the amount of hazing that still exists, and I honestly don't know how more kids aren't killed by the things I was told went on and happened with them. 


I'm sorry the girl who pledged even feels like she wants to be part of that life. She has so much more to give, and much more deserving groups and people who would love to have her a part of their organization. Hopefully she will find them.

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

Wrong to expect special treatment. Contacting the school is beyond inappropriate. 


It's better not to be invited than to accept a mercy invite and realize you were not wanted.




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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

@occasionalrain wrote:

Wrong to expect special treatment. Contacting the school is beyond inappropriate. 


It's better not to be invited than to accept a mercy invite and realize you were not wanted.




I don't know if it's wrong to contact the school. This is a form of discrimination, it shouldn't be allowed. They should get to know her before making judgments of her.

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

Trying to figure out an acceptable way to ask this question... Maybe I'm ignorant... and before I continue I just want everyone to know that I have a mentally challenged sister..  so I have sympathy.   However,  how does someone with Downs Syndrome get into college?   

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

[ Edited ]

@Jordan2Those sorority sisters would never admit they were discriminating against this girl because she has Down Syndrome. They can only take so many new pledges into the house, in a way everyone who is rejected is discriminated against. We need to stop coddling our kids,  college is their time to stick up for themselves and grow up. 

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

Private organizations can exclude anyone for any reason. They vote on new members by secret ballot. Otherwise why pay for a membership if anyone can join?

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Re: This Makes Me Mad And Sad

I find it interesting that the automatic assumption is that she was turned down because of her disability.  I read a news article that said it wasn't her idea to apply for membership, but that her older sister wanted it for her because her own experience had been so positive.  With that information in mind, isn't it equally feasible that the candidate might not have demonstrated a genuine interest in joining?  Then the older sister accused the sororities of discrimination and filed the complaint.  


The implication, at least to my interpretation, is that this young woman should have been accepted because of her disability.  In my book, that's every bit as injurious and morally wrong.

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.