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Re: Non traditional health insurance

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Re: Non traditional health insurance

[ Edited ]

@bathina...last comment on this subject with you....

My local hospital offers for the very small charge of $50.00 bloodwork...the 'typical' blood work that my physician would order on a yearly is a cash deal, and a doctor does not have to order the blood. work.


If my hosptal can offer that for $50.00 they must be making some money.  If I went thru my doctor, and sent it to my 'traditional' insurance the cost would be much, much higher.



Before I switched to the new health plan my old plan would allow some tests to be done every year....who needs a colonoscopy every year if you are not having issues, but I know that people took advantage of the that provision in the  policy and had the test yearly.....what a waste of my money that I paid toward that policy.   There is nothing wrong with an insurance company traditional or non traditional negotiating with a provider to lower a bill....we all know they over charge.

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Re: Non traditional health insurance

and the one I use is compliant too:

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Posts: 12,549
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Non traditional health insurance

@Icegoddess.   I feel your pain......ACA...Affordable Care's a joke, who can afford it....I did check in to one of the plans on the market place, very expensive for not much coverage, that is why I went with the faith based plan....


I do not drink, will not be having an abortion or get a se#ually transmitted disease so not worrying about getting something that they will deny coverage...we all have choices to make and this one is working for me.

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Re: Non traditional health insurance

@SleepyTime wrote:

Ahh,, but they are compliant.

Not sure where it says in this link that this coverage is ACA compliant. The ACA requires insurance companies accept patients with pre-existing conditions. The ACA wiped out llifetime caps. Neither of those regulations apply to medi-share.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Non traditional health insurance

@SleepyTime wrote:

and the one I use is compliant too:

And this one will not insure anyone with Type 1 diabetes. So, no, it's not compliant either.