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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

@Ibby114 wrote:

@betteb wrote:

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

That guy is in real bad shape.  If he's had surgeries to unblock or repair arteries in his cranial area, that is not good.  Not good at all.  Maybe most were to relieve pressure from build up of blood or fluids.  May permanently prevent him from walking or talking again at all. 

If he's on dialysis for 6 hours a day - that's not good either.  He's probably lost most all of his renal functions and you can't get those back. 

HIs life rests entirely on that K family. 


Actually, the kidneys do sometimes recover. Sometimes, they do dialysis to take the stress off the kidneys, they heal and the person is able to go on without dialysis. 


As to 6 hrs a day, everyone starts out somewhere around there. In the beginning, the patient is ran at a very slow rate, to get their system used to it. The speed of the run is gradually increased and the time gradually cut accordingly.


Now, that is not to say that Lamar is not in bad shape, because he is, it's bad and IMO, he will not make a full recovery. I just wanted to clear up a misconception, I worked in a dialysis outpatient unit for almost 9 years, running patients.

My Dad was on dialysis for almost 6 ears and he was never on 6 hrs each day- he would have stopped a lot earlier than he did! 3x a week, 4 hr a time was his max. 

Not do unusual when you consider his huge physical size.. His kidneys have to do the work of  one and a half normal sized people...

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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

So sad he was unable to beat the drugs.  It is very hard but the more money you have the better help/rehab one gets.  Seems like the stars go to really good rehabs and stay there a long time.  People like us only get usually 3 weeks in rehab and then back out on the streets.  Too bad he didn't have it in him to kill that monkey on his back.  He seemed like a real nice person.

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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

He's an out of control addict.  It's possible that he was intentionally trying to commit suicide but it's more likely that he was just on a drug fueled bender to end all benders.  To be honest, for Khloe's sake, it might have been better if he hadn't been found.  She loves him, she's too good for him, he doesn't deserve her and the worst case scenario is that he ends up permanently damaged and she spends her life (and her fortune) caring for him. 

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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

@JustJazzmom wrote:

Like I said on another thread,the extra hour to two hours of dialysis a day might be due to his size. Not everyone is 6'10".

2 1/2  - 4 hrs a day - 3x a week is the norm. 6'10" or not, If he's going  every day there are massive amounts of toxins to clear from his system.  And maybe they hope to kick start his kidneys to function somewhat on their own.

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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

@foundinlv wrote:

@missy1 wrote:

He must being doing ok, if he can sign his name.,, and know what he is actually signing.

*chuckles* Khloe should get a quit claim deed and stick that in front of his face too for all the homes he owns around the country to add her name.  

Anybody in this scenerio that is nursing someone back from from the brink of death, certainly isn't thinking about confiscating all his properties?? Besides that.... his kids get 2/3 of his assets, Khloe would get 1/3.

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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

@Amelia-Ame wrote:

That is what I heard too. However, I also heard that some fans also wanted to sell Lamar their kidney. I wonder if he will need a kidney transplant and how they will go about choosing who gets to supply their kidney to Lamar.

It is ILLEGAL to buy or sell human organs in the USA.

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Re: Lamar Odom Suffered a Dozen Strokes Which Affected His Ability to Walk and Talk

@chrystaltree wrote:

He's an out of control addict.  It's possible that he was intentionally trying to commit suicide but it's more likely that he was just on a drug fueled bender to end all benders.  To be honest, for Khloe's sake, it might have been better if he hadn't been found.  She loves him, she's too good for him, he doesn't deserve her and the worst case scenario is that he ends up permanently damaged and she spends her life (and her fortune) caring for him. 

Lamar is worth more than five times what Khloe has...which is probably a large part of her decision to marry him after lnowing him for a week.

She has said that she will never get back with him as husband/wife - but just oversee his care. She is still dating the new BB player.