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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

@butterfly123 wrote:

This baffles me!

I am with you on this. I have never figured it out what gets these "girls" to make so much money when they have no talent to speak of, Except how to make $$

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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

They aren't going anywhere...they keep reproducing!!
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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

Rob is a slug.....doesn't do anything and Scott is a leech that Kourtney will never get rid of.....
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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app


Sounds like a night time soap opera.

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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

@butterfly123 wrote:


Sounds like a night time soap opera.



or a show about insects!


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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

You probably should believe your friends and family. Their demographic are mostly young girls who get their money from mommy and daddy. American dream lives on.....
Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

That should be enough to pay for next weeks makeup.  More power to them.  Mom has trained them well.  Smiley Sad 


I don't wear makeup and I've not got a "tape" out there, a big behind, pretty face, or whatever, but dang ... wish that woman could make me some money off my normal life.   LOL



Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

That is just her game app! She also has another app, she has the show, she also gets paid $25,000 for a 45 minute "appearance" at clubs and parties.


Just s*x up, show up, smile, get adored, and go home. Check please Smiley Happy


It is unbelievable how Kris Jenner marketed those girls. All based on looks. Not sure how that idea came to her, because when the 3 older girls were little, they had a very normal life. No cameras.


Kendall is the only one I respect. She got her modeling career (probably with an upstart from Kris), and from there she built it on her own. She is now in the "supermodel" status, but she works darn hard for her money. Key word  *WORKS*.


Kiley does "appearances" now, and she is trying desparately to come up with a make-up line. She will just keep using her looks for money (not in a model capacity).


Kourtney does appearances sometimes (when the bank account dips under too many millions), but she is a homebody. You see pictures of her out and about, but at heart, she likes to stay home with her kids. She seems to be a good Mom.


I really, really feel bad for Rob. He seems to be the forgotten child. He cannot possibly compete with all the girls. He was also super close to his dad and at a vulnerable age when he died. He has no motivation, he is going to put Chyna out to market for his money.


The ONE thing I give credit to the family for is their loyalty to each other. They truly have each others backs always. That is hard to find in any family nowadays.


The whole family treats Kris like cr*p. They are so disrespectful, so mean. Then for her to go through the stuff she went through with Bruce, my heart really felt for her when all that happened. She knew all along, but to have to stay strong and carry on must have been so very hard.


I watch the show when nothing else is on, even though I know it is scipted. I would like such a close family.

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Re: Kim Kardashian makes 45 million from app

@millieshops wrote:

@stevieb  -  I think we live with a public quite willing and happy to be hoodwinked, to be entertained by some I just don't find entertaining, to give emotional, political, and financial power where I never would.


I wonder if this is what people when when they say we get old and irrelevant?  I'm thinking that's what's happening to me as well as many of my friends.

@millieshops Sadly, I think you're right... I think there's a whole cross-generation of folks who will believe anything the media tells them and, of course, because these folks have proven to be quite the group of cash, uh, cows... the media is all about telling us they're 'important'... And yes, also sad but true, it seems as though as we all age we become less important to a lot of those making choices and decisions...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Kim Kardashian mmorakes 45 million from app

More power to her.