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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

@tends2dogs  I totally get your hubby's attitude!  I had the same one when I went through my cancer treatment, I would always smile and say thank you to my nurses.

But the most emotional part was during radiation treatment when I had to go everyday,

5 days a week for 7 weeks........There was a 9 year old boy going through treatment, I saw him everyday as it was the same patients at the same times so we would all see each other each day and wait in the same area. You got to know people.  My heart broke for that little boy and during my last week of treatment he passed away.   Very sad and I remember thinking how blessed am I?!    

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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

Absolutely! I 

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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

The older I get, the more I understand, and accept, that life happens and I deal with it.   


I don't take anyone, or anything for granted, and always find a blessing in every day.   I save my complaining for situations that warrant it, and don't walk around looking for things to complain about.  


I really feel I've learned to pick my battles, but mainly I've learned that not everything is a battle.   I don't make my life harder than it has to be.   

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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

As bad as things are, they can always be WORSE! We should always count our blessings, instead of our hardships; even in our darkest hour.🙏😊


I don't recall where I read this, but it is perhaps one of the most powerful concepts I have come to know--Someone is in the hospital, begging for the life you are wasting.


It certainly puts one's life, into it's proper perspective!😀



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

As I said somewhere else, I'm just glad that I even wake up each morning...........


Awakening each morning is a gift.  


Good luck to all.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

"How's your world going"?




 My wife is not in the hospital/our furry kids are mostly all well, and!  This coming week I will be able to skate Wednesday and Friday.  


I am happy and my world is better than fine. Thank you for asking.





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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

@Lilysmom1 wrote:

@qualitygal a trip to the hospital can give you a whole new perspective.  I was complaining about a broken foot until I went to the hospital and saw injuries far more serious than mine.  Puts it in perspective for sure!  LM






 And some of the most serious health issues cannot be seen. Broken bones and bleeding cuts are visible, internal major issues are not.


I hope your foot heals well for you. Nice of you to see how things are for others.





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Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

@willdob3 wrote:



I hate that kind of saying. It makes people think that the way they feel doesn’t matter. How everyone feels matters. The fact that someone has no feet doesn’t make the situation for the person who has no shoes all better.






Guess you just don't get it!  





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Registered: ‎05-08-2010

Re: Don't take it for granted, be grateful instead.

@willdob3 wrote:



I hate that kind of saying. It makes people think that the way they feel doesn’t matter. How everyone feels matters. The fact that someone has no feet doesn’t make the situation for the person who has no shoes all better.

@willdob3  No, but the point of the saying is that hopefully it will give the shoeless person a different perspective about their own problems.  There is always someone that has it worse than you.  That is when you say a prayer of thanksgiving for you AND a prayer for help for the footless person.

Fear not Brothers and Sisters! I have read THE BOOK..........we win!!!