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Re: Is Tammy Faye in the building?

@Kachina624 wrote:

It's hard to believe Mally would use such poor judgement as to allow a model with such sloppy make-up to appear,  advertising her product.

I find it funny that while she's loading up her models with coats after coat she's saying how her mascara only requires one coat for long beautiful lashes. I heard her say it again as she was applying several coats to her own lashes. Actually her own eye makeup wasn't as godawful as it usually is, it was lighter than normal. Instead she played up her lips and went for a red lipstick instead of her usual lighter pinky glossy one.

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Re: Is Tammy Faye in the building?

How did she lose her hair?

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Re: Is Tammy Faye in the building?

[ Edited ]

@Kabella  The mascara was so thick it looked like 10 applications and near the end of lashes, they were sticking together.  How anyone could say this looks good really needs a lesson is makeup.  It may be on the video.  Mally was selling 5 or 6 piece mascaras (seems she used all tubes on the model).  LOL

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Re: Is Tammy Faye in the building?

Someone correct me if i am wrong , but i think she had alopecia .

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Is Tammy Faye in the building?

May Tammy R.I.P. she had a long battle with cancer, and remained faithful throughout. Sorry to see poster used her to make fun of.