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Re: Funeral Viewing Question

I would be there out of respect for my sister unless there were hard feelings with her family or I were unable to attend that long due to my age or health.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Funeral Viewing Question

[ Edited ]

Here's what I find objectionable about a viewing.  That a mortician gets to decide what makeup to put on a woman; the color of the foundation,  the shade of lipstick and rouge and color of nail polish.  That to me is just beyond disgusting.  When my brother and I went to the mortuary after my stepmom had died (she had requested cremation) they said that her body was now ready for viewing.  We were like what?? She never wanted that and no we prefer to remember her alive is what I said to them and my brother agreed.  I was very upset over this.  That someone touched her face etc choosing colors was just a horrible thing to have happened.   It just made me sick to my stomach.  It took everything out of me to stop from vomiting right then and there.  



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Posts: 739
Registered: ‎07-12-2011

Re: Funeral Viewing Question

When my dad passed away years ago (it was unexpected), I went to the viewing but it was so emotional there was no way I could have made it through the enitire visitation.  I think people understand that kind of thing.