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Should people start taking zinc for the winter,colds,flu,covid 19?

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Zinc has been known to help with colds, remember the old Cold Eezers sold on the Q, they were zinc lozenges. 

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I'm literally dissolving two two lozenges that contain Viamin C and zinc along with elderberry in my mouth right now. It's not that easy to get zinc. I didn't want a mega dose that is often provided in zinc losenges so I just ordered these.  I usually just take a low dose vitamin C  and a Vitamin D most days. Source with the highest amount is a single oyster. It's hard to get enough zinc in foods. It's also hard not to get too much zinc in supplements. I'm doing this for my total immune system. The elderberry just happened to contain the right amount of zinc so I bought it that way. 

ONE THING TO KNOW ABOUT ZINC IS THAT IT CAN BE BENEFICIAL TO SOME PATHOGENS. Zinc is required for pathogens as well as humans. It's hard to know which pathogens can actually utilize zinc obtained from us to enhance their functions. For colds and flu viruses the literature does not show these virus as being able to use the zinc to their benefit but other pathogens can do so. This is still under study. I found quite a few studies for those of you that are interested. 


Quoted from 

Nutrients. 2017 Jun; 9(6): 624.
Published online 2017 Jun 17. doi: 10.3390/nu9060624
PMCID: PMC5490603
PMID: 28629136
Zinc in Infection and Inflammation

Nour Zahi Gammoh and Lothar Rink


"Nutritional immunity is a process by which the host organism sequesters trace minerals during an infection so it can be of limited availability to pathogens. It was first described for iron but has now been extended to other trace elements. Zinc is an essential trace element for both host and pathogens. Pathogens require zinc for survival, propagation and disease establishment. This prompts a competitive process between the host and the invading pathogens.100]."




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My husband took it when he traveled so much for work before Covid. It did not prevent him from getting really sick at the end of the year. Then I got really really sick from him. I won't tell where he traveled to. I never get colds or the flu normally and I have diabetes. But at that time I was really sick. Maybe it works for some things and not others maybe it works if you are sick. It's certainly not a sliver bullet that keeps you from getting sick. 

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I think I am going to, that and vitamin C. I also got my rx for vitamin D refilled and will start taking it like I am suppose to. I saw where people low in vitamin d sometimes have a rougher time with covid.

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@Shelbelle Yes I remember Cold Eczers because I keep a bag of them on hand for when 'that sudden' cold coming on hits.


When I bought this last bag at the drug store - a TV commercial reminded me about them - so next trip to store asked clerk where to locate.


She're the 4th person TODAY asking for Cold Eczers ??   I told her there's a running adv on TV.


They are wonderful - wouldn't be without them. - especially during the winter months.

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It's possible to take too much zinc.



The recommend daily dose from the Mayo Clinic is 8 milligrams.



If too much is taken, one can experience headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and loss of appetite.

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@Anonymous032819 wrote:

It's possible to take too much zinc.



The recommend daily dose from the Mayo Clinic is 8 milligrams.



If too much is taken, one can experience headache, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and loss of appetite.

Take 8-10 Cold-EEZE cough lodges per day to help protect you from contracting COVID.






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What zinc dosage should you take? I just bought 50mg capsules. I have seen recommended dosage amounts but they vary so much how do you know? Not calling the dr about it.
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I am 65, and it is not my nature to just take these kind of supplements.   


What has kept me healthy thus far is take a flu shot, wash my hands, keep my hands away from my face, avoid crowds, eat well, and stay hydrated.   I do clean my toothbrush with peroxide and swish diluted peroxide daily.   

I take Vit. B12 and D3 because lab testing shows my numbers tend to run at, or slightly below normal.  I do not tax my liver and kidneys to break down unnecessary chemicals.