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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

@mollymaggie Just another thought: I don't know if you subscribe to ConsumerLab's website, but they are a highly reputable "Watch Dog" on supplements. Today they have posted several studies (one out of France) concerning the evidenced efficacy of certain probiotics for cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression. The results are impressive.

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

You might want to look up and research Prevagen

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment entire family has/had Alzheimer's disease. There is nothing at this time.

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

@furbabylover wrote:

@Shepherd  It is entirely expected that any doctor who does not follow Big Pharma's edicts will be trashed in public. American drug trials are notoriously tainted by influence of biased trial funding, altered findings, etc. Do your research in papers, trials and studies conducted in Japan, India, UK, France, Italy, China and many more countries and you will see a common list of supplements that are showing remarkable results. China has a drug out now for Alzheimer's that is showing not only slowing of disease development but regression- and its derived from seaweed! Studies are showing that Biogen's highly touted new drug looks less effective in comparison. There are two classes of drugs prescribed for Alzheimer's in this country. Everyone, including doctors, know that neither of them work, and yet they are constantly prescribed by neurologists for what reason? Profit? False hope? To close the door on any possible treatment for neurocognitive disorders seems to be a very effective way to rob people of hope.

Read the reviews on Dr. Bredsen. He has only 3 published papers cited as evidence. 3!!!! There is very little to back up his claims.


“To date there is no evidence that intensive, costly regimens of dietary supplements are effective,” Hellmuth said. “Hope is important in the face of incurable diseases and intuitive interventions can be compelling. However, unsupported interventions are not medically, ethically or financially benign, particularly when other parties might stand to gain."


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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

@mollymaggie wrote:

Do any of you have a brain vitamin that you can reaaly see  a big improvement    I dont want to just pick one  Im not really sure they work  



What benefits are you looking for? “Brain supplement” really doesn’t say.

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

@deb5555 wrote:

Try Blueberries. 

@deb5555 @They haven't helped my brain but they surprisingly  helped my hair grow much thicker. 

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

MCT oil is excellent for feeding your brain.  I usually have 2 Tablespoons daily.  Giving up sugar and following the keto lifestyle along with adding the MCT oil and implementing intermittent fasting has given me a healthier brain. 

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Registered: ‎08-24-2011

Re: looking for a brain suppliment

@Sugipine The monolithic ideology of Western medicine will never allow for alternative treatments, no matter how many thousands of years they have proven their efficacy. The NIH is bought and paid for by Big Pharma. I would certainly respect their opinions if they were not funded by drug companies, whether directly or indirectly. They and other publications routinely debase doctors who see through the bias of the American medicine machine. If NIH is going to throw stones, let them start with one of the biggest killers of Americans: medical malpractice. The National Academy of Medicine reports that an estimated 180,000 Americans die each year as a result of medical malpractice. A large portion of that includes death from prescription drugs. But the NIH or other medical organizations NEVER address this. Why? Well, why would they bite the hand that feeds them, i.e., Big Pharma? There is enormous information out there about supplements that have proven track records with regard to brain health. But you have to be open to this information. If you are not, and if you choose to follow the rigors of the AMA, then so be it. I choose to be open to protocols that have been used in other cultures for thousands of years, and to modern nootropics for which there is a worldwide audience.

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

[ Edited ]

I take a very few number of supplements and I do not take any Rx drugs. The vitamins I take are the ones my doctor has prescribed to me b/c my blood tests show that I need them. The other supps I take might be considered to be 'alternative medicine' and those are working well for me because I have blood chemistry values to prove that they are. Until there is a test for brain health, not an MRI or any scan type thing, but an actual biochemical which can be measured to assess brain function then I won't be taking any kind of supp labeled 'for brain health'. In that case I let my food be my medicine. @furbabylover 

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Re: looking for a brain suppliment

The best thing you can do for your brain is to use it. Read, challenge yourself mentally. Do sudoku, crosswords, and other exercises to force your brain to work. Pick up video games with challenges and play them. I love 'The Legend Of Zelda, Breath of The Wild.' You've got 120 shrines in the game to find and solve, plus more stuff to figure out. Try to avoid the easy stuff that doesn't challenge your noggin. Take on a new hobby or endeavor. (I think I'll try oil painting after the holidays.) Try writing a book. If there are crossword puzzles or sudokus you can do easily, avoid those and try harder ones. A lot of people stop trying to learn new stuff after a while, but minds are built to learn. Keep using it, stress it even, and it'll do more for you than any supplement.

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