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@moonandthestars wrote:



what sort of injection you were thinking of for your hip?


Also, wondering, have you tried cold laser treatments?  Sometimes that alone or mixed with acupuncture can be very effective.  Keep in mind not all acupuncturists are created equal.  Maybe try someone new? 




@moonandthestars   @ruthbe 


I was wondering the same thing ....  cortisone shot?  Some other steroid shot?   


Hard to give useful feedback unless we know what "injection"  is being considered.

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@ruthbe Definitely look into the cold laser.  It's such an easy non-invasive treatment - it's really nothing/feels like nothing - not scary at all.  It's definitely worth a try to see if it might be effective for you.  A lot of different practitioners offer it: some dr's, some physical therapy offices, some chiropractic offices, some pain management places, etc.  They even use it for veterinary care.  I've tried it!  My kitty had cold laser treatments too!  fyi, for him it was best when combined with accupuncture.  For me, I just had the laser treatments and was good for me.  


I checked online to jog my memory re: injections for arthritis and pain, and to see what's new, and I came up with this information .... just food for thought ...  I don't have first hand experience with any of these 


  • Cortisone injections
  • Hyaluronic acid injections
  • PRP or platelet-rich plasma injections
  • Combined PRP and hyaluronic acid injections
  • Botox injections
  • Stem cell injections from a patient’s bone marrow aspirate
  • Prolotherapy injections of dextrose.

I also see something called deep tissue robotic laser therapy.  



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thanks for all of your help...I wasn't aware there were so many different types of injections...I guess I was only thinking of steroid injections..  My appointment isn't until next week.  I will do a lot of research this weekend...I'm sure I will have a lot of questions. 

I think that is a good reson why this forum is good...opens your mind...for asking more questions...when talking to your doctor. so you can make a more informed decision. 

thank you.

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@ruthbe  I get cortisone shots in my hip about three times a year for bursitis.  Works for me.

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DH had an epidural steroid injection in his hip earlier this week. He said it really helped but he'll need to have it about every 3 months.