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I get anxiety now too but don't take anything for it. I did have to take xanax in the car last time we went to SC.

My sister takes Ativan for hers. It's only meant to be used for so many months. She has been taking it forever. The doctor should not be prescribing it. As long as she has been taking it I don't know how it could work. She pops them like a piece of candy.

I read low magnesium could be a cause so I just got some to try.

I bought Life-Flo magnesium oil spray.

It's also suppose to help with sleep.

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MY son helps as much as he can. I go with him to thrift shops to get out of the house and then we get something to eat. He changed all my clocks this week.

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@halfpint1 wrote:

MY son helps as much as he can. I go with him to thrift shops to get out of the house and then we get something to eat. He changed all my clocks this week.

I’ll bet your son is a great guy.  Do share with him, all of the things you may have mentioned in the q forums.  He needs to know all of this. 

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The doctor never really explained things to me. It is not that medicine just the generic to it. I am taking melatonin at night so I can sleep. Anxiety is no fun for me.

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Thank you mom to 4 I will get in touch with the doctor. I never had it like this the last 2 days.

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@halfpint1 wrote:

Thank you mom to 4 I will get in touch with the doctor. I never had it like this the last 2 days




You are most welcome. My late mother had a long bout with depression/anxiety and took Celexa for many years. It helped her a lot.  It is always best to be treated by a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse practitioner.  They are more knowledgeable about all of the medications compared to a primary doctor. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help with mental health issues.  I applaud you for reaching out.





































































































































“The soul is healed by being with children.”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky
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I assure you the anxiety level I have witnessed is ugly and very concerning; Mom always thought she could handle it, but she was wrong.   My mom jumped and screamed at the slightest noise, she was so unfocused she could not keep up with basic functions, or remember what she did 5 minutes ago.   During the doctor visit when we talked about the anxiety, mom was tested for dementia and she did not do well with the very simple tests.   It let us know there was a lot more going on with mom and the struggles she was experiencing.  


Celexa and medications like it are prescribed to elderly patients with caution, due to the fact some patients experience problems that can make them fall.   Patients are often given only partial prescriptions for 10-14 days to see if they are compatible with the medication.   That is what your doctor did, but I think you forgot what the doctor said to you about this medication.  I do believe you thought that by taking the medicine at bedtime meant it would help you sleep.  One Celexa tablet is not going to help you fall asleep, but if you take the med every day and control your anxiety, there will be an added benefit of better sleep after this med builds up in your body for a few weeks.   


Just recently you said you couldn’t remember what your doctor said about the pill for your heart, and you also said you were not aware of several of your husbands health issues that are listed on his death certificate.   I do believe everything was discussed and you knew it at the time, but I think you have forgotten as time has passed.   Dementia has made my mom the same way.   I say common things to her sometimes and she looks at me and says “really?   I don’t remember that”.    


I know Bob is a good son and it sounds like he tries to do what he can to help, but sometimes sons just don’t catch what daughters catch.   My two brothers are very helpful to our mom, but they know my relationship with her is very different from theirs.   I picked up on mental changes in my mom nearly 7 years before she was diagnosed with dementia.

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Sometimes any child is helpless.  Sometimes things are out of their hands you know.  The parent sometimes has to cooperate with those trying to help them and accept the help offered.  I hope OP will think about what her part is in this.  Writing down instructions and following them and such. 

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Halfpint:  If you are not getting any information from your doctor, then ask your Pharmacist.  Believe me, they know more about medicines than doctors do and they can help you with side effects and answer any questions you might have.  They will look things up for you while you wait.  Don't be afraid to talk to your Pharmacist.


You might want to ask your Pharmacist about ZzzQuil.  It's an OTC syrup and will help you sleep

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RedTop did you say your mother takes it during the day? I probably could use it today -You know I have t alked about noise that alot of people do with the heater. I know it isn't on but it waits at the point I set and I hear that as crazy it seems. I just wonder if I take it in the daytime also I can't sit home all day. Will discuss with the doctor when I see him. I must of had something like this when I was pregnant--had to get out and walk. No one was here for me then.