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@Citrine1I'm glad to hear you tried the natural way first.  I like that method, too.  But -  natural, as you and I found out, doesn't always do the job, and that makes sense to me.  Nature is just not always kind -  if she were maybe she'd forgive our eating sins instead of building cholesterol in our bodies.


Anyway my statin plus my lifestyle change has made a huge difference in my life.  It's highly unlikely that the change alone would have done as well and I'm not about to stop the med and find out.



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@Citrine1 Thank you! I'm so glad Zocor is working out so well for you. It is frustrating when you try everything naturally, but it still doesn't help. Your kind response has helped me a great deal!

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I've been taking Simvastin for about 5 years and have had no side effects whatsoever.  My cholesterol dropped like a rock. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I've been taking simvastatin (its generic name) for years without issues.  Please note that the cardiological benefits outweigh any discomfort risks; you can Google this.


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@DJP wrote:

My doctor has just prescribed Zocor for my high cholesteral.  Does anyone else take this medication?  And does this have harmful side effects?  Thank You!

You should discuss your concerns with your Dr. 

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@DJPI've been taking statins for 12 years, first Zocor then Simvastatin and now Prevastatin and never had any side effects. I do take COQ10 though. I agree you should follow your doctor's orders and report to him any side effects you experience. Most doctor's will not order medicine that is not necessary.

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I took Simvastatin for approx. 18 months.  I had a severe reaction to it, including muscle aches and what felt like electric pains that caused my legs to twitch.  I didn't associate these reactions to this drug for a long time... finally someone said something to me about it and I talked to the doctor.  I went off it.  I've tried two other similar drugs and have had similar reactions.  My reactions were much more than muscle discomfort.  I lost muscle strength in my legs AND arms/hands.  It's almost come completely back.


I also took CoQ10 faithfully. 


But here is the interesting thing.... not too long after that (maybe six months to a year) I was diagnosed Diabetic and now they are seeing a relationship between this particular statin and developing Diabetes....


I have no relatives with Diabetes.  I lived a relatively healthy livestyle with healthy foods and plenty of exercise (I was a 2nd Degree Black Belt).... I developed Diabetes and I believe there was a direct correlation between my Diabetes diagnosis and the Simvastatin drug I was on....


Just be aware, note any changes and get to your doctor quickly if you do....



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*