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Your favorite color(s)

[ Edited ]



What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?



2005_02_09_WhyCatsPaint.jpg (386×248)



We use colors to describe our emotions all the time. 

When we’re sad, we’re feeling blue; angry, we’re seeing red. 

When we’re jealous, we’re green with envy. 

Seeing certain colors effects our moods, desires and wants.

This is why businesses spend millions choosing the best colors for their logos.

Colors are associated with cultural meanings.  

Seeing red stimulates our heart because we associate it with danger (fire, sirens, ambulance) and sex (red light district). 

Blue calms us down because we associate it with a peaceful ocean or cloudless blue sky. 

People who tend toward certain colors often have or take on the associations of that color. 

Read on to discover what your favorite color says about you.




People who love the color red tend to be dramatic, excited, and passionate individuals. They enjoy taking risks and are often described as the life of the party. They are spontaneous, fun and charismatic. Red is associated with blood, so its energy is that of life, passion and vitality. It’s a color of success and magnetism. If you’re feeling shy, wearing red can make you feel more confident. If red is your favorite color, you tend to be a leader among your friends. You are confident, charismatic and ambitious. You enjoy being the center of attention and are a natural extrovert. You can be impulsive and sharp with your words, so count to ten before saying anything you might regret. Reds love to exercise. Their motto is, “Work hard to play hard.”




Purple is associated with spirituality, royalty, creativity and courage. Throughout the ages, royalty and religious leaders wore purple.  Roman generals donned purple togas, and today military heroes are awarded the Purple Heart. People who love the color purple are empathic, intuitive, spiritual, strong and imaginative. Wearing purple helps us to go within and takes our meditative practice to a deeper level. Purple helps us feel more loving toward ourselves and others.Created from blue and red, purple is both calming and passionate as it helps us get in touch with our true purpose. If you’re struggling with opening your intuition or bringing your yoga or meditative practice to the next level, try wearing purple. If you love this color best, you won’t be happy working a 9 – 5 job for the paycheck. Your work must have meaning to you. At your heart, you are a humanitarian.




Blue is connected to the emotions of loyalty, peace, trust and serenity. People who love the color blue tend to be peacemakers. They will avoid conflict and drama. Blue people love to be organized and don’t accept change very well. Wearing blue helps us to feel calm and tranquil. It reminds us to listen more than we speak. Lovers of blue tend to attract the friend in need. They enjoy coming to people’s rescue. If you love the color blue, try to take care of yourself at least as much as you care for others. Do not put everyone else’s needs ahead of yours. People who love the color blue are nostalgic, sensitive and kind. However, they are determined and  find success through hard work. If you love the color blue, truth is very important to you. Your friends, bosses and co-workers must be honest with you or you will not trust them again. You have an innate sense of justice and fairness. Always trust the still, small voice within you.




Orange reminds us of sitting by a cozy fire and so it is associated with warmth, creativity and cheerfulness. Wearing orange during difficult times helps us to feel stronger and more courageous. People who love the color orange tend to be optimistic, cheerful and uplifting. They are a friend to everyone, lovers of nature and deeply connected to animals. Orange lovers are great conversationalists and enjoy making others laugh. Seeing the color orange is said to stimulate the appetite, so if you’re trying to lose weight, avoid the color orange. It not only stimulates our appetite for food but also for all things creative. If you’re experiencing writer’s block or a creativity crunch, try wearing something orange and you just might experience a creative breakthrough. 




Pink is the color of unconditional love, caretaking and nurturing. Created out of red and white, pink holds the elements of passion in action with the simplicity and purity of the color white. If this is your favorite color, you are loving, romantic and compassionate. Lovers of pink have big hearts and love to take care of those around them. Pink is the symbol of hope. It calms our emotions and makes us feel more loving to others. Just wearing this color can make you feel more loving and kind. Pink is associated with health “in the pink” and joy “feeling rosy.” Pinks have a deep need for unconditional love, romance and kindness.




We associate the color green with growth, vitality and health. Green means go. Subconsciously it reminds us of spring and renewal. People who love the color green are natural peacemakers and need to avoid becoming a co-dependent in their desire to help everyone. People who love green tend to be the fixers of their friends. They love to save everyone, especially animals. People who wear a lot of green make great social workers, therapists and counselors. Green is associated with nature, so green lovers enjoy the outdoors and probably have a green thumb in the garden too!  If you love the color green, acceptance and acknowledgement is important to you. A simple “thank you” goes a long way with a green lover. It’s important for you to feel loved, appreciated and supported. 


Browns, Grays, & Blacks


These colors are very grounding and protective, but they can also bring our energy way down too.


the artist.



I'm a green lover, BTW, followed by blue.

And most of their attributes reflect me. 

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Posts: 15,122
Registered: ‎05-23-2015

Red is my favorite color, however  I possess none of those attributes.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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I must admit my favorite, based on what % of my clothing, is black. I do wear all the other colors at times.

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Black is my favorite color too.   But I find it to be beautiful, calming, and classy.   It definitely doesn't take my energy down at all and makes me feel good.


But then I tend to not be like most others in that hot/warm sunny weather takes me down big time, while dreary cold, snowy, cloudy, weather gives me energy.   Go figure.   


My other three favorite colors are red, purple, and charcoal grey.   I am sure I, like others here, have many of the qualities in our choices AND in the ones we don't choose, though.   Smiley Happy

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Purple is my favorite color, but the description doesn't sound like me.

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I love blue colors and the description is pretty accurate for me.  

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I don't have a favorite color per se, I like all of them except for the neutrals (black, brown, gray, navy etc) I have the attributes of the colors blue & green.

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I really like soft yellow, then pink.

Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Purple, Pink