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This won't defeat you.

It's something you have to go through

but it won't defeat you.


You're going to be fine.



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Zhills, I just got back on the forum today after being on vacation.  I am sorry you've been scared out of your mind. All of us would be in your situation.  I am glad it was caught early and pronosis is good.  Please keep posting on this thread so we know how you are doing.   ((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))  Ezzy

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So comforting to be reminded!  Thank you.

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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Saw the Oncologist today.  Made an appt for 1 week after the surgery. 


She said that if it hasn't spread to the lymph glands, I'm free. Otherwise, it will come back so I will be her patient for life!


I did like her, not what she said, but she was pleasant.  

Only 5 more days to wait; pre-op on Tues, prep Wed and surgery Thursday. (hopefully early).


Please continue praying for me and a good outcome.  Bless you all. 

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I, for one, and others here I'm sure, will be right next to you now, during surgery, after and while you heal and when you are able to dance.  


You know the waiting is hard.  But, the really bad part is the prep---bleck--ick--yuck--shivering.  ;p


Knowledge is power, so I'm glad the oncologist was direct with you.. although I recall the cold sweat that came over me.  I actually asked if the surgeon was reading MY report because I'm not so sure he can be talking about me!  lol


All kidding aside, I wish I could be there, physically, to offer you a hug, comfort and support.  Please keep us posted, as you can.  In the mean time, I'm sending you my energy.  I've prayed to the universe, asking  positive, energy be sent to you.


((((((((Take care of you)))))))))



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@Zhills Will continue to pray for your recovery and that you wake up to good news.

Do the math.
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Girl, I have not forgotten you.  We're here, sending you healing thoughts and prayers for a favorable outcome.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Zhills, my prayers and thoughts are with you. I want to give you two phrases to contemplate...... The first one is "Know you are  unconditionally loved by our Creator" and the second is "Live fearlessly".


This past year, I have had to confront my own mortality in the form of a life threatening heart arrhythmia......and every day cn start out as a typical day, then out of the blue, whammy! It hit me after the second time, ANY day could be my last. I had to confront the elephant in my head.


There is a "synchronicity" in the Universe. I happened to watch Dr. Oz one day and the topic was "near death" experiences. The guests he has had on were pronounced clinically dead or near death and his fact finding team did corroborate their stories. The first guest was Tommy Rosa and Dr. Stephen Sinatra who co-authored a book entitled "Health Conversations Between Heaven and Earth" which detailed Tommy's NDE (near death experience). I read a little every night and drew some solace from it, but I didn't really internalize it.


A few weeks later, Anita Maroonj  was on recounting her NDE-and she wrote a book about it, Dying To Be Me".....and her truth in tandem with Tommy's-caused a literal soul explosion in me!!!!


No, there is no scientific evidence to prove what they are saying, but the take home, heart and soul message is-and this truly transcends religious dogma of any kind- our Creator unconditionally loves us and when we pass, it is going to be beautiful and we will experience a level of love that we have never experienced on this earth!!! IF that is the case, what do we really have to fear???? Nothing-and my life has changed drastically because of these two books and what I have accepted as unquestionable truth.......even the last time I was in the ICU for four days this past March, I had no fear-and kept a sense of humor.......this is  really going to sound backdoors, but I was "giddy"- if I passed, the experience certainly promised to be more wonderful than I could ever comprehend!


My life has changed-all my life I was plagued with worry, fear and depression: I have had bouts of agoraphobia. I was really cynical about facing mid-life and all that it entails. In short, I felt as if I had no purpose and was just biding my time for the next cataclysmic event, but a remarkable thing happened Z- I literally wake up every morning feeling joy. I give thanks that I have awakened-and that I am in my home.....I have always loved watching the sun rise and set, but it has really become a spiritual experience.


  1. I could go on and on-but the bottom line-in my book-is that I know that I am unconditionally loved by our Creator-and we are not alone-ever. Live-and live fearlessly with love. We are all here for you, Love and Hugs,
  2. Poodlepet2
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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Thanks and my very best wishes for you to have a long happy life.  


I have read about so many on this board with problems and my heart hurts for all of them and now it is US!  I had only been sick once, had 3 babies, but never been sick. All my lipid tests are normal, I am normal weight....I take a water pill for prehypertension.  Perfect picture of health.


Now I understand so much that I just did not realize before.  I cried for you when I read your story...out of the blue!


Thanks for your kind words and encouragement.  Just pray that it is contained to the colon.  Thanks again.
