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I have been told twice that I have cancer and in both instances I knew before the tests came back.  The first was in 2008- endometrial - just surgery, no other treatment.

The second is breast, which I am undergoing treatment for currently.  This is more difficult.  My reaction was a calm, tell me what I have to do.

Asked God to help me stay strong, calm and pleasant.  He has answered that prayer.

If you get this diagnosis, just do what you have to do and remain calm.

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Sending another hug..... only more have joined me.... 





I too am a cancer survivor, Malignant melanoma and basal cell.    I sought out others who were survivors and it made it much easier to deal with, they gave me hope.

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@esmeraldagooch  I guess that is what I am doing here.  I don't have a large support system.   More details than I wish to reveal here.  I have medical people in the family but it is so "matter of factly" that they don't realize that it is not that way to me; I'm really frightened.  Not of a positive result, of having to go through it all alone!

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@Zhills wrote:

@esmeraldagooch  I guess that is what I am doing here.  I don't have a large support system.   More details than I wish to reveal here.  I have medical people in the family but it is so "matter of factly" that they don't realize that it is not that way to me; I'm really frightened.  Not of a positive result, of having to go through it all alone!

You won't have to go through anything alone.  If you have medical people in your family, they will be able to help and you will find friends will overwhelm you with offers of rides, food, many acts of kindness. People want to help. 

Hopefully you will get only good news tomorrow.

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Esme's got it right :-)

We are all here piled on each other, sending you good wishes, strength and prayers for a favorable outcome @Zhills

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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@Zhills, you have gotten great advice here and surely you can see and feel so many ladies care about you. 

You will be in my prayers also and I am sending you hugs❤️.



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I totally understand.  We have two physicians and a few nurses on our family (my husbands family and my family).  They are very careful of how they express their feelings, not to mention offering professional information without sounding like we are patients.  I understand why, but when you should(because they're human beings) be able to rely on them as your emotional support, sometimes, for me, they fell short.


I understand your concern and worry, and it's valid.  Can you, for today, until you get the diagnoses, think of doing something just for you that might make you feel better? To release some stress?  Then be straight, if you are able to with your situation, what you need, as soon as possible.


For me, one of them brought my health up at a party.  We were all together and I was shocked they thought of discussing it then...with many ears around.  I suggested this isn't a good time and I would appreciate their respect.  One went on in a clinical manor and I lost my cool.  I spilled all my emotions out; I cried and left crying.  They heard me and apologized to my husband, who stayed, and to me the following day.  I made it clear what I needed and hoped they could support me because that would help me tremendously.


It helped for a few months with some and others were very thoughtful and supported me.  


You know what works for you and what you need.  I told you about my situation hoping you will ask sooner than later for what you need.  It's unfortunate that has to be done sometimes, but at least you asked.  


You're in a vulnerable, scary space and I hope your family can support you in the way you need.  


(((Hugs Zhills)))

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Thanks so much for this info.  I do know that they haven't a clue what I need.  As soon as I get over the news tomorrow, I will try to tell them.  I just hope I don't have to tell them at all.




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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement.  I will sleep better tonight!