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Re: What did you do...

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The best thing to do is find out what it is, and I am hoping for your sake or whoever's, that the results are good.


But early detection of anything is better than not.


My thoughts are for a good outcome!

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The only time I got a notice that I had cancer it was in the form of a post card.  Yeah, they couldn't even have bothered to call me or anything - I got a post card in the mail that said stage 2 (so it wasn't that bad) cancer and I forgot what all specifically, as it's been a very long time.


It was definitely shocking.  I guess the next thing I probably did was to call and make an appointment.  With my luck I probably got it on a Saturday.  ha!  Smiley Happy

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@Zhills wrote:

when they did a biopsy and told you it was "most likely malignant?"

Continue to have faith and pray and know God always has your back😊

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My best advice is to stay off online medical sites.  Nothing good ever comes from them when you are stressed and waiting for results.  I also want to tell you that a friend recently had an ultrasound -- asked the radiologist what she saw -- and the radiologist said "It's cancer."  Upon further testing -- it was not.  I know it's much easier said than done -- but try not to panic.  Wishing you all the best.

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@AKgirl2 wrote:


@Zhills wrote:

when they did a biopsy and told you it was "most likely malignant?"

Continue to have faith and pray and know God always has your back😊

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have ...  Have faith!

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Sending you a hug and saying a prayer for you.


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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I'm sending you a hug too.



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Zhills - I was away from the computer, but still thinking about you and realized that I forgot to say - I wish you the best and I hope things go well with this scare!!


Sending good thoughts and positive vibes your way!


They can do so much more these days, so that is encouraging should there be a need to attack.

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Re: What did you do...

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I came back on after you said you were scared.


I was remiss in asking you if you would like to talk about what you're feeling?  I'll listen.


If not, that's fine.  


Anyone who has gone through this knows how they felt and I'll bet we each had different ways of reacting as well as many similar ways.


I also know it's so natural to go online to learn what you can to calm yourself or give yourself a feeling of having some control, even if it ultimately has nothing to do with your specific situation.  Usually that turns out to not be helpful at this point. 


Is there a distraction you could do/have today that might help pass the time?  Does being in nature help?  Art? Journaling?  Chocolate?  Music?


Thinking of you.  

Keep us posted.  



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Re: What did you do...

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Zhills - "most likely" does not mean that it is, so try not to worry until you find out for sure.  And IF it is, I just want you to know that THREE close family/friends of mine have beaten their cancer in the last year or so!! Yes, two family members and one very close friend all now have a clean bill of health!!  So, Oncologists now have great chemo "cocktails" and are able to clear more folks of their cancers nowadays!  Best wishes and hugs to you!