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What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

I have a couple of conditions right now for which the doctor has requested me to take anti-inflammatory otc.

I try to avoid these things as much as possible since I have stomach problems to begin with. However, they feel I will benefit greatly from taking them.

For those of you who have stomach issues, which one(s) have you taken and felt did not bother your stomach?

I find that any and all of my doctors are vague as to which kind to take and for how long, and also how to take them in order to sustain the least upset.

All suggestions are so very welcome!!!!

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Ibuprofen worked well for my knee pain in the early stages of osteoarthritis. However, as my joint deteriorated, I needed prescription strength ibuprofen in a large dose daily to bring any relief at all. Once I began to feel the burning in my stomach I stopped taking ibuprofen because I knew it was damaging my stomach lining at that point. I tried, and liked both Aleve and Advil gel caps, and did not have an adverse effect from either. I always made sure there was food in my stomach before taking any type of anti-inflammatory, and I drank plenty of fluids to help dissolve and move the medication through my system. Aleve is now the only otc NSAID in my house. My husband and oldest daughter are the ones who reach for the bottle most often; I haven't taken more than 5 Aleve since my knee replacement 2 years ago, as I don't have knee pain. Wishing you well with finding something that works to alleviate your discomfort.

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

I agree when needed I take ibuprofen, or the prescription dose. I stay away from Aleve it gives me hives and my husband an awful tummy ache.

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Diclofenac 75mg is what my dr. just prescribed for me (arthritis in knees, just diagnosed). It works great, though it does make me a little sleepy. I always take it with food, and have not had any stomach issues with it at all. Not expensive either...less than $10 for 60 pills, with my insurance.

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Different people will have different reactions to these medications. For some people Aleve is easier to tolerate than Ibuprofen. The important thing is to always take these medications with food.

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Coated aspirin

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Though I haven't read the responses, my best advice would be to recommend that you take your medication on top of a major meal such as breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I took an NSAID for years for chronic migraine and always made sure that my one dose per day occured right after my last bite of breakfast. I was fortunate to never experience any stomach related issues relevant to taking this medication with a meal.

Good luck!

(I need you to know that I took this prescription NSAID for too many years which did cause kidney damage.)

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Neither Aleve nor ibuprofen have caused me stomach upset. However, I am on Cymbalta, so I avoid taking NSAIDs in general. I only take them when absolutely necessary (eg--when I had chest wall inflammation that caused me to have trouble breathing). Otherwise, I avoid them due to the bleeding risk. I also avoid Tylenol because my organs already have enough of a toxic load to handle.

In other words, I rarely take anything other than Cymbalta to help with my pain. If I have pain, I try to stick it out unless it is unbearable.

I'm looking at natural alternatives though, and I think I may wind up weaning myself off of pharmaceuticals if I'm confident I can do so (need to look into it further).

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Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Any NSAIDs can be upsetting to the stomach and can cause GI bleed. Did the doctors who requested you take the NSAIDs give you a prescription for a proton pump inhibitor such as Prilosec, Nexium, etc. If you have a sensitive stomach you should be taking this with any regular dose of NSAIDs or aspirin. Just talk to your doctor. I am sure he/she will accommodate. Now, I have not read all the responses, just telling you what I would do.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: What OTC Anti-inflammatory med have you found to be least upsetting to your stomach?

Thank you very much for your replies!

I am on Nexium and Famodatine (sp) both and have been for some time.

I am on several heavy duty meds for other things and struggle to keep my stomach half-way decent.

I also have several conditions that they have been wanting me to take NSAIDS for and I have rejected them so far, but now, feel it will probably be necessary in order to make any type of recovery.

I have another dr. appt. coming up and I will attempt --- again --- to get some kind of definitive answer.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin