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Are you thinking of the omentum?

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I really agree with this!  I read a long time ago that a huge majority of our health -- whether it is good or bad has to do with our digestive system - in the gut!!!  I wish our every day doctors would subscribe to this.  I certainly feel that this is true in my case because I have had terrible stomach and digestive problems ever since I was a young child and was a sickly child, if you will, and now as an adult, suffer with so many issues.  And, as we all know, if your stomach does not feel good, you feel sick all over!!!  

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Re: What About Your GUT?

[ Edited ]

@sidsmom wrote:

@Sugipine wrote:

I worked in a hospital pathology lab and believe me, tapeworms were are more common than people think. @Mz iMac


I'm fascinated w/ that show 'Monsters Inside Me'.  

Did you see a lot of parasites & creepy things when

you were working pathology?  Hoogey

I love that tv show, too. @sidsmom Yes, I did see some amazing "things" at that place. I'll will just mention one case where a little girl, 8yo with seizures, had brain surgery to remove a "mass" from her brain. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT.

Turned out to be a tapeworm cyst. Docs were startled when they got it was moving.....and still moving when it came to the lab. TMI !!!


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@Sweet_Serenity wrote:





Lol! Funny @Sweet_Serenity!

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@Mz iMac wrote:

Do people still get tapeworms? Smiley Surprised


       Yes, indeed.  They do.

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I remember years ago reading that whenever you take antibiotics, you need to take probiotics after you've finished taking the meds.    


I'm wondering if people still do this, since I haven't seen this recommendation in a very long time.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

I remember years ago reading that whenever you take antibiotics, you need to take probiotics after you've finished taking the meds.    


I'm wondering if people still do this, since I haven't seen this recommendation in a very long time.

@Tinkrbl44  Absolutely.  If the person prescribing the antibiotic has anything on the ball, they will tell you this when they are handing you the RX .  You don't have to wait until you are through with the meds.  In fact, we all should be taking this everyday anyways. 


Good health begins with a healthy gut.

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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

I remember years ago reading that whenever you take antibiotics, you need to take probiotics after you've finished taking the meds.    


I'm wondering if people still do this, since I haven't seen this recommendation in a very long time.

I was on antibiotics on and off for a year with very little time between courses, but I loved yogurt and ate some every day.  The doctor was actually stunned to realize I didn't have any yeast infections from the lack of good bacteria in my gut and he wanted me to start probiotics but said I didn't need to as long as I ate yogurt.  I can no longer eat yogurt (I'm diabetic and very sensitive to milk and sugars) but I do take a probiotic every day.  I'd say some doctors are more sensitive to this issue than others.... ?   

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The show Monsters Inside Me on cable TV shows lots of case histories of people with tapeworms. Horrifynig things!

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@Q4u I have to take antibiotics for dental procedures and I have a lot of them.After a couple of years I started experiencing stomach distress...diarrhea,gas all of the nasty embarrassing things.I had to start  taking probiotics digestive enzymes and eat yoghurt,real sauerkraut and kimchi.This finally cleared up the problem but I am back at the dentist.I worry that I am doing damage to my digestive system with the antbiotics.