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Welcome to the September Exercise Thread


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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

I asked my internist to send me to physical therapy for my knees. Ortho had said a few years ago that I was bone-on-bone. Best thing I ever did!


A big contributing factor to my walking/stair climbing ability is my lack of core and hip muscles from all the years I worked sitting at a computer. 


I was one of those workers who was glued to my screen and had lunch at my desk to meet/exceed quotas. 


My retirement goal has been weight loss and exercise......

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

I walked over 5 miles Tues. my hips were so sore. LOL!!!

I generally walk just over 4 miles 6 days per week.

I also like to use my Pilates chair & recumbent bike.

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Good morning and happy September 1st.  August ended with a rainstorm and another one is going to start this month off wet and muggy.  I’ll rejoice in it anyway.


I hope it’s dry for a few hours this afternoon, though!  We’re going to a family bbq this afternoon.  And my son and his family who are visiting me, wanted to go to Navy Pier with the baby.  This might spoil that plan.


No workout today but I may go for a walk while my company goes to visit the other side of his family for a few hours.  This is what happens when divorce splits up a family, right.


Well, everybody, please enjoy this last gasp of summer.  I know I will.





“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Went hiking today in my favorite park. Got almost all 10,000 steps in at once. Just felt like I was brand new today along with the month. I love Fall. It's my favorite time of year.

As I was walking, I wondered what was under my feet and leaves have actually started falling even though it is still in the 90s here. Not a hint of cooler weather or rain.

I also think the new diet and supplements I started on two months ago have really made me feel better. I am going to clean myself up, relax a bit and then I may take myself shopping later tonight.

Hope your holiday is off to just as good a start.
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Happy September 1st, hard to belive it.  We're extrememly muggy out.   When I go out, my skin is clammy, pretty miserable and it's 80 outside.  I also love Fall, my favorite time of the year.  


@Laura14 so glad you had a good hike and got in the steps, sounds like a productive day and shopping never hurt a girl!


@Mmsfoxxie yes I so understand your situtation  with the family stuff.  Hard to please everyone, hopeing you have a very enjoyable day with your plans and the rain holds off.


@Nightowlz welcome Smiley Happy


@meallen616 Nice to meet you!


@CinNC Hello, hope you enjoy this group!


This morning I did Day 11 of my 14 day Challenge with my Total Gym, then I did 12 minutes of BodyBlade with Rosalie and Bruce....Also worked in my Pilates reformer into my TG workout using the Rebounder attachment on the reformer ( it won't fit on the TG) and I did all my Cardio jogging for the TG workout on this.  Light Bulb moment  Hahaha


Taking my 90 year old dad to dinner and for a ride in the country later this afternoon.  


Thinking of those missing and hoping everyone is doing well!


Do something kind for someone today!!   Be Well, Be Blessed, and Be Thankful!

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Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

@bopper  Enjoy tonight!  Sounds like a lovely evening.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

@bopper wrote:


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Hi ya @bopper,


Mind if I add Ice Skating to this list?  Have ran full Marathons/10K/5K/2mile, and 1 mile races, thus lots of training for many years, mostly trained running, plus resistance training, and lots and lots of stretching.


I have heard many say to me: "Ice skating might be a good exercise". This has been at the ice rink with several trying to learn to skate. My response is always something like this: "I have run at least 250,000+ plus miles and the effort running on quads/hamstrings/glutes, and others, is not even close to ice skating. I am talking about hard skating compared to hard running."


Most seemed shocked at my response, but I assure them I know from experience and through my many fitness tests, which includes heart rate recovery time, and Max Vo2 numbers. "Might be"?   


Hey, just wanted to drop in and say hi. Still skating 3 times per week, 2 hour sessions Public Skating. Workout primarily on my late model True Recumbent for Cardio, my older one for simulating 1 leg squats to maintain my quad strength. Also use my Bowflex for 1 leg presses for same reason, and also work my upper body right after.


I figured a total of 5 days a week is just right for this 79 year old man. Knees still problem free as are my hips, and even my back(minus 3 lumbar discs) is not an issue. Abs I do all 7 days for at least 20 minutes, some while inverted all the way on my Teeter Inversion Table(not easy).


Taking it day by day and using it as much as possible while I still can. Those 14 years between 2002-2016 of heart attacks/PE,/Anemia, and on and on, seemed like decades to me. Loving being at one of my top fitness level and happy/overjoyed for every single day.


Take care my friend, and everyone here remember @bopper created these threads a long, long time ago,





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Posts: 9,322
Registered: ‎07-11-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

Hi Everyone.  Well I got my workout in today in a different kind of way.  Had to move everything out of the bedroom - excpet for bed and dresser - vacuumed thoroughly and then did it again just to make sure it was done well and then got out my Bissell to clean the carpet.  Well after all that moving, dusting, vacumming, etc., the Bissell decided it wasn't going to work.  I have had it since 2009 and I must admit its been sitting a while so maybe it just decided it had had enough.  So moved everything back into the bedroom and now I'm tired and feeling a bit sore.  LOL  


MickD -Which Bissell did you get that was the TSV?  Is it the one with all the attachments?  Please let me know how you like it when you get it.  Even tho its not at the TSV price anymore, I may still get it.   I like having a carpet cleaner so I can do it when I want even tho I only have the two bedrooms that have carpet, its still nice to have on hand.