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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Patty, I hope you didn't think I was being snarky by saying "google it"..... LOL. All I meant was on my tablet I was unable to copy and paste a link for you. (I don't think you thought I was snarky, but sometimes meaning in misinterpreted.) It will be interesting to see what the new BL trainers are like. Sorry you had a kitchen flood to deal with. Ugh! Good wishes to DS, maybe his day will be a little calmer today. Hope Lucy is doing OK, too. As usual, your w/o rocked!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hey all it's a monsoon here today. Standing water in the driveway...I mean it's as dark now as it was at 8 am. Just had Logan out to potty, at least he went. Most of the time he won't go in the rain

I did KCM shoulders, bi's and tri's with added abs and lots of's a good one.

Nomless thanks for the reminder on BL, I had forgot it was tomorrow...although I did already set the's too bad it's up against Thursday night football though..

Pit Bull I think you are doing the right thing with the dvd's. You know what hurts and what you can do. My knees are bad too and lots of crunching...I can hardly lunge on the right knee at all..often I will do something else or just go into a slight lunge. Higher impact bothers my knees too...

Pppmint you never have a dull day do you? {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}Glad the washer didn't flood the place...hoping DS has a quieter day today today and He can get home at a decent hour to relax some before bedtime.

I wish I had that Pressure cooker today! I am making a beef stew right now in my Dutch Oven, smells good and will make a loaf of bread shortly to go with it.

Okay, need to add my veggi's to the stew....Later.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Oh, you're right, Bopper....Thurs. night football will hurt BL ratings, for sure. Mmmm....stew and fresh bread. May I come over for dinner, please?

Posts: 53
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Thanks y'all.

I told my dh at lunch I was going to return the dvds.

He wants me to try the dvds in the afternoons when we get home from work instead of in the morning.

He thinks my body just isn't ready to workout in the mornings. He knows I'm not a morning person and I have been getting up at 5 in the morning to do the dvds.

He said I am stronger than I think.

I used to be in pretty good shape, worked out with a trainer at the gym, went to the gym and would work out everyday for about 2 hours a day.

That was about a year ago, I got sick, then lazy.

He knows I am really mad at myself for not being in shape now.

He came in the living room this morning and I was watching the dvd, I was standing there and I was upset, I told him I used to be able to do that.

So I will give it one more try for him.

My knee doesn't hurt, it is just really loud.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Pit bull ~ We have all been where you currently - ha! do what you can do and forget the rest. I can't work out in the early am...I need atleast 3 hours of movement before running. Like this foot was decided to clean for a few hours, and now I'm pooped and it's not happening. Always tomorrow....and it's safer not to overdo it when injured.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Well, I intended to work out tonight, but I got distracted looking for my Rivers bracelets. (I haven't worn them in years because my current office is so dressed down.). And then, I found them. OMG. I had forgotten how spectacular they are. Oh, that's gorgeous, I'd think, and I could just hear her saying it. I'll start wearing them again. Who cares if I'm dressed in denim crops and a t-shirt? I can hear her saying that, too. They're awesome pieces. So, today inadvertently became a rest day.
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi, all. Unplanned rest day for me. I think I'll go to bed in the next hour. For some reason, I am sooooooo tired. Had some errands to run, groceries, gifts yo buy, etc. and did laundry. And work, of course. The weather is changing and it's messing with everyone's allergies-- I think that's shy I'm tired. Spin and some lifting tmrw am. Have a great night!
Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Nomless, nooooo, I've never seen you be snarky the entire time I've been here. I know what you mean, I've reread some of my posts before and they sounded snarky even though I didn't intend them to be that way. I can be rather matter-of-fact in real life and that can come off as being short in posts. Didn't take it that way at all though. I wear my Ripka with jeans, anything goes anymore.

PitBull...if that's all it is, no worries, you'll get back there! I'm not where I used to be and every time I start having the time to get there, something happens to set me right now with my son.

I got a lot done yesterday...even bought some mums for their patio that I cleaned...ay.

Raining out so going to the gym this morning, then we have a ton of errands to run all afternoon. Hospital, labs(different location than hospital of course), car inspection, returns, etc. Then Humira nurse is coming to see him at 4:30.

Doc ordered some labs for today since he's been soooooo tired. Said he shouldn't be working but losing his job isn't an option at this point...he's only been there 6 months. Very difficult.

bopper, now I'm craving white bean chili and home-made bread. No red meat or strawberries for me so that's my "stew".

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Posts: 1,157
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

I tried ordering two things from the new Insider and can't. {#emotions_dlg.mad} Probably the only two things you can't order yet!

Then I noticed the one Philosophy set I wanted to order for my gf, doesn't ship to Alaska.

Posts: 53
Registered: ‎09-22-2010

Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

I did the T25 dvd when I go home from work. I did a better job than that morning.

I was alone when I started the dvd and about 10 minutes to go everyone got home.

They all started cheering me on!

My daughter did insanity last year at school and showed me some moves she used to do when she couldn't do the dvd.

I had a pain in my chest when I did an exercise that you plank and the run while in the plank. My son said at school they called them mountain climbers.

My daughter to me to breath, she said she had the same pain while doing insanity.

It went away.

She also told me she doesn't care if the video says no breaks, she told me to pause it and drink some water!

She is 18.

Today I will do day 4 dvd after work.

Then it is party time!

Today is my dog Kane's birthday, we are having a small party and we bought him treats and toys! Smiley Happy