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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

I'm so excited I learned how to post pictures!  LOL!  That's our Lucy...she's such a character!  She makes us laugh every single day...and the biggest Tom-boy you've ever seen! 


On the her element.  She loves the woods and will go for miles. Everyone says she has no idea how small she is, in her heart, she's a! 



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Sorry you lost your girl of the hardest things we go through.  We still cry about all of ours we've lost.  Smiley Sad 


Yesterday was non-stop.  I didn't hear from my gf so I took Lucy out(carried her in a blanket), dropped her off and went for a run, then was going to go to the gym and my gf texted I met her and did a few more miles.  I did some strength in between there and made that crink in my neck even spasm'ed last night in bed...ugh. 


Got the lawn done yesterday too so we don't have to do that today.   Oh...I did yoga too and was terrible!!  Oh my word...I can't stop doing that stiff and it hurt like crazy!  They say you have to practice all the time to get good at it.


I may go to that one class that I like this's a mix of yoga and pilates but a lot of strength moves.  I wish they had Barre today.


Hope everyone has a good weekend.  Lucy is still hurting...hate when our babies aren't right. 



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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

@Iluvlucy Adorable! She reminds me of my first poodle who was all black. My second was a parti poodle like Lucy except she was chocolate and white. We always had poodles because we are highly allergic and they are great dogs in temperament and training. I really wish I could have another one but I can't even think of going through losing my dog again.

My pillows got here!! I love them! Well the medium. I got the split pack and tried the firm first but switched to medium. I literally fell asleep on my couch. Love it!

Not sure what I'm doing today but I will probably go hiking at some point. We are going back to the 80s (I want Fall already!) so I guess I'll sweat it out hopefully alone this time.

Have a great weekend!
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Lucy, Lucy is so dang cute. Love her face.


Laura, yay that you like your pillows. It's good you got one of each. You might find that you switch 'em out sometimes. Remember to put it in the dryer a few minutes if it seems to be getting too flat. The dryer brings it back to life. I do that every month or two to freshen it up.



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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Hey everyone!  It's mild here today also.  Just a long sleeved shirt is all you need.  I got a walk in but not much else.  It's way too windy to go in the woods.  Been windy since last night.  My son lost his power for almost 10 hours.  It's back now but it's still windy out. 


Iluclucy Lucy is so adorable!  Her little face.  I"ve never owned a poodle, maybe at some point.  I think our next dog will also be a rescue.  I have to have a dog!  Hubby is allergic to cats so we won't be getting a cat but I have to have a dog.  I'd have 2 if he would allow it.   Not that he won't allow I guess I should clarify but it's expensive.


He's cutting wood now and we have an Anniversary party at 5:30.  I am a poop, rather be home watching baseball but we'll go for a while.


Laura glad you like the pillows.  I had no luck with them but finind the right pillow is hard.  Hubby's should be in the garbage, but he won't let me!   Probably shouldn't have said that Hahaha



Enjoy the day!



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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Hi, Bopper, enjoy the party tonight, but I'm like you....I'd rather stay home.  In fact,  I'm supposed to go to a football party this afternoon,  but I don't want to go. LOL. 


Workout done.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Thanks ladies...we adore her, of course.  We adore all our!  How can you not?!


Speaking of Lucy, we had another er vet trip today.  She was up all night, very restless, clawing my head, pacing around the bed, etc.  Then she started holding her front paw up and limping really bad...she jumped off the bed twice in the middle of the night and I've read how easily they can break bones by jumping off of furniture.  She was shaking and acting weird too. 


He thinks it's a sprain, said she probably was favoring the back leg she hurt in the fall and hurt the front leg when she jumped down.  Different pain meds, take her back in a couple of days to regular vet if she is still acting the same.  He didn't see the need for x-rays now. 


I had a big exercise day yesterday...walking, running, gym, yoga, and a nice bike ride on the W&OD was warm though.  Also trimmed the hedges out front and tidied up the landscaping beds.


My gf asked me to walk this afternoon...I'm not sure, we walked Lucy(carried her) this morning and I'm sore from squats and lunges yesterday.  Mulling it


Hope everyone is having a nice day.  nomless...I throw our pillows in the dryer every week when I change the sheets...just fluff them up. 

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Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

Good Monday Morning, we had a doozy of a thunderstorm this morning at 6 am and quite the light show.  Poor Logan wasn't to fond of it....


I'm still having my coffe and just ate my cereal, so now waiting for that to settle and will go to the dungeon to workout.


Dang cubbies lost last night, but we still have a chance when we do it all again.  Lions won though whoop whoop!


I am debating on getting my DIL the TSV but not sure if she'd wear it or not.  I have 3 of them and I wear mine all the time just walking to get the mail or walking Logan.  Easy to throw on and off.  


I think I may get the DB  TSV tomorow, it looks so nice and washable.  I don't need it though, but then I don't "need"  a  lot of things  LOL


I love Tamara Hall's haircut on the Today Show.  She is just to cute!  I wore my hair like that for a long time.  I suppose now isn't the time to change styles 2 weeks before the wedding  Hahaha...


Have a great day everyone!


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Posts: 17,084
Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Welcome to the October Exercise Thread

@bopper  I don't even remember what a storm sounds like.  We are back to the 80s this week and summertime.  I am beyond over it.  If I EVER complain about how cold it is in the next few months, you have permission to come through the computer and slap me.


I have been a lazy thing all weekend.  I am loving my new pillows.  I felt so good this morning with a smile on my face and everything and it's a new work week with Boss Satan.  I hardly recognize myself.  


I did do some jump roping and other exercises last night just to say I did something. I also danced around my kitchen this morning to some 80s music so I am not a total loss.  Back to the gym tomorrow.  


Have a great day everyone!