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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good morning all.  Rainy yesterday but I dodged it.  It rained hard before I left home but stopped.  Rained hard while I was working out, stopped by the time I left.  Then yesterday evening, it came down hard again.  Worked for me, lol.


What’s not working for me are these little critters running around spoiling my little garden.  Yesterday I went out between rain drops and checked to see if the hard rain had beat down my little tomato plants.  Well, it had but worst was that one plant was completely uprooted!  By critters.  How dare they!  I don’t care if they were here first...stop and desist....or I will not like you, lol.  I’m being funny but really, I hope they let the roots get strong so that the plants start going before they start their scurrying.


Yesterday evening during one of the hard bouts of rain, I was looking out my back window and I see the neighbors little underweight dog still out in their yard where they leave him everyday, tied to a long leash, instead of walking him.  I’ve seen this for the approximate six months they’ve lived there.  The dog was shivering!  I felt so bad for him and I’m not a dog person, lol.  I’m standing there trying to figure out an anonymous way to report animal abuse and I finally see a teenager run out and get him.  The dog was dripping.


@DrKelli, you might not be gaining weight so much as redistributing your weight with age.  At the wight that I am now, my waist is not as small as it was at this weight as much as three years ago.  I accept it...not that important to me now.


Today’s schedule is Body & Sculpt, Flexibility and maybe 30 minutes of Zumba.  I hope everyone has a great day.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Went to Pound this morning and again I had people trying to crowd into the back.  I was rolling out my mat and a girl who hasn't been in about a year tried to throw down her mat in front of mine as it was laying out.  Um, move.  And she did.  It's just rude!


I would move myself to another place but I hate to take a regular's space.  It's just common courtesy in my opinion that if there is a whole room in front of you and you are new to the class, don't interfere with someone who is already there and setting up.


And then Power class happened right after that and my buddy Adonis set up in the back but I thought far enough away not to be an issue.  Wrong.  Halfway through class he walks over to put his clothes in my space.  And then he starts his struts and pushups in my space because he's too good to do them behind his step like everyone else. 


It's honestly to the point that it's downright harrassment.  Again, I would move my spot but it's a full class and I would be bumping someone else out of theirs.  


He actually kept pumping his barbell after shoulders while everyone walked towards him to put their stuff away.  The teacher called him out for showing off and told him if he is still pumping, he didn't use a good enough weight the first time.  At least there is that.


Anyway, I will leave now with my foul mood and I am starting some new exercise stuff at home.  Did about 15 minutes on my bike yesterday for the second day.  I need a switch anyway and my morning classes may be coming to an end in favor of evening park hikes.


Have a good Tuesday all!  











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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good morning, all!  Another glorious day here in Colorado.  Soon it will be time to switch to skorts and shorts for the office.  I am so lucky that I can wear them into corporate.  A couple of years ago, our CEO sent out an email on a Friday saying that because it was so hot, he was declaring Fridays to be shorts day and he was setting an example (because he was wearing shorts).  So about 2 weeks later, it was like 100 degrees on a Tuesday and I said "why Friday gotta be the only day that gets hot?  It's hot on Tuesday, so Tuesday should be a shorts day too"  And after that, I just wore skorts every day (I didn't want to push the shorts thing).


Busy day, plus I have to grade 13 individual projects and 3 team projects in the next couple of days.  The small group trainer is still in England and the other two didn't seem to want to do anything today (or they will workout with each other) and I don't really want to take any of the classes offered today, so I may just not.  It's okay if I miss a day or two.


We're supposed to have nice weather clear through the holiday, so I'm psyched about that.  I plan on doing a whole lot of deck sitting this weekend.

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good Morning!  Its a chilly, drizzly, gray day by the Bay.  However, this morning I got up and did a 30 minute Leslie Sansone DVD!  WAHOOO!!!  Plantar fascitis and all, I did it anyway and my heel feels ok.  I took some parts very easy and didn't do any real fast walking but did keep up pretty well.  It just felt good to get up and work out again.


@Mmsfoxxie when I had a garden at my house, I had problems with deer.  One time I told my ex-husband that I was going to stay up and wait for those deer and chase them off.  Well, I did stay up but as soon as I saw it was a doe and her baby, of course I couldn't chase her away.  She was just trying to feed her little one.  They sure did love my roses tho!


Hope everyone has a good day!




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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@Mmsfoxxie I detest people who mistreat their animals!  A new family moved in behind us and their german shepherd was outside all the time one summer......night and day!  She was kept in a cage at night.  I was petrified that a coyote would get into their backyard, and or that she'd die of heat stroke.


I had never met them and just bit my tongue and thought, if this continues I've got to talk to them.  Summer ended and that nonsense stopped.  My son did befriend the son.  I learned that they were painting and updating the house that summer.  Both the son and the daughter have ADD and the daughter had had heart surgery.  What a mess!  They moved away a couple years later.


Some people shouldn't have pets.......


Did Pilates today as I felt really stiff from my run yesterday.



Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good morning everyone.  Beautiful day yesterday.


@MickD, yes during right....sometimes you can miss parts of a situation.  After I said that my neighbors never walk their dog, I thought that what I should have said that I’ve never SEEN them walk him.  But when I’ve seen him in the backyard even when the kids are out there, they never run him or do anything active.  When the little ones play, they run everywhere.  Since they don’t have a fence, they go beyond their property line which is an unwritten rule not to do.  We have no fence on the front (no one does) and the other day I had to pick up over 20 white decorative rocks from our front evidently from someone else’s yard...ours are burgundy.  Just like people, you can see happiness and unhappiness in dogs.  Unlike cats, lol.


Post office and something, don’t know what, at the fitness center today.  Definitely have to get some gas, lol.  


Have a great day everyone.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Good morning, all!  Never did make it to the gym yesterday because I was grading papers (bad girl--at work).  But I did do some La Blast when I got home.  It will be interesting to see what happens this week in Not Zumba.


Our board members are in for their quarterly meeting today, which means I hide out in my office. They used to bring in a pretty good lunch, but the past few times, it has been sushi, which is definitely NOT my thing.


I still have a long to do list, but I think I've regrouped and will be able to get at least a few things off it today.


Have a good day everyone!

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

Morning everyone, it's a lovely day here today, 70 outside now.  As long as it doesn't get any hotter.  It's hard going from the cold we had to this warm though.  To me it feels too hot if it gets past 70.


Speaking of dogs, and I am a dog person.  My backyard neighbor has a beagle chained to a dog house and they never ever walk him or play with him.  Makes me mad.  One day it was doing the beagle howl and I went over to check on him because I though maybe he was caught on something, and he had no straw in his dog house.  He was howling because a chipmuch was under the house but why have a dog and just keep him chained to a dog house and the chain isn't that long either.  That infuriates me too!   Then you get the people who leave their dogs to bark at all hours of the day or night.  It's like " are you even in your house"  You can't hear that?   Takes all kinds of people I guess.


I just came home from shopping to see a run down old car parked in front of my house and a guy takinga  pee on the grass, now isn't that lovely!!!  Then he got back in and started to smoke.   Like what the heck are you doing here???   I called my neighbor to ask her if she knew who it was.   She said she hired 2 guys to clean her yard.  I said ' do you know he peed on the grass"?  She did not and said she'd say something to him but they look pretty shady to me!  I locked my garage and house.   Makes me uncomfortable.  


I had 17,000 steps yesterday and my back is sore today, so not doing much today.  I think I"ll just enjoy the day too.


DrKelli lucky you to be able to wear skorts or shorts to work, that's a big plus expecially when it's hot.  I still need shorts badly but I hate my white legs.  Skorts are too short for me, and I need the burmuda shorts but not paying 50-$ for pair either.   


Any way enjoy the day everybody!

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Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

@bopper Gross about the pee!  Poor little beagle!


Our city passed a new noise ordinance a year or two ago....which states any constant noise for an hour or more, no matter what the noise is ie, barking, loud music, etc.and no matter time of day or night is a violation and against the city ordinance.  Continued violations will result in a fine.


It used to be after 11pm weeknights and midnight on the weekend.  We have loud neighbors and you bet that I've called a few times at 11:01!!!! And on a school night too!


Ran 32min on the trail!


Happy Wednesday everyone!

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Posts: 11,199
Registered: ‎06-19-2010

Re: Welcome to the May Exercise Thread

@DrKelli, ugh, sushi...I'd starve first, lol.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)